Wild Weather Weather 2019 - and after the tempests

Is it not possible for you to install a French drain on the edge of your land? That’s what we did. Surely better to take control yourselves rather than wait for difficult neighbours to cooperate? We are mid way down the side of a valley with a huge field up behind us. We installed three French drains: one parallel to the field itself, another mid way down our garden and a third behind our gite/cottage. Fortunately the year we were restoring the cottage we had a very wet spring and there comes a point when the surrounding clay fields can absorb no more and water just pours off the land. That happened the week before they were due to install underfloor heating and water was pouring through the cottage (better to discover that before the heating was installed). The 3 French drains went in immediately and they worked.
Water, water everywhere

We constantly thank our lucky stars that we did not buy in the South West.

[quote=“Jane_Williamson, post:223, topic:25988, full:true”]
We constantly thank our lucky stars that we did not buy in the South West.

Another why? It’s absolutely glorious here. :grin: Especially on a day like today

Because you get all this wild weather coming in from the Atlantic.

I must confess, the worst of our weather does come from the West-North-West… :thinking:

It is beautiful here too.

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Anyone having a good day is very lucky… soggy, grey and horrid here

Goodness Stella, sunshine and clear skies all day here, not that much further south. I drove to Mérignac to pick up a daughter (still no convenient train, obv) and had blue skies all the way there and back.

Lucky you !! :upside_down_face:

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Yesterday evening, I could see (or not see) the Christmas lights at the end of the street are out … strong winds and relentless rain this weekend have possibly taken their toll on their “electrics”.

This morning I can see that the Christmas Tree is still there, looking a bit bedraggled with its garlands trailing on the ground…

Non-stop rain and wind is forecast for the foreseeable… will Santa be able to arrive for the School Party or will he be blown off-course ?? :thinking: :zipper_mouth_face:

Yesterday, the flooded Garonne in sunshine. Sorry to hear Stella you’re not getting any of the good weather - we all need it!
Garonne floods

I’ve given up waiting for a dry, sunshine day… to do the laundry… the washing machine is on the warpath and so am I… :crazy_face:

Stuff will all have to hang in the bathroom… drip, drip… hate doing that but needs must…

We had high winds the other day and have lost our 'phone yet again.
They say it should be back by the 23rd December.
We have only just got it back after having been out for two and a half weeks!

Good grief, Jane… :cry:

This time I will make sure that Jim applies for the compensation for both times!

Sounds like the wild weather from over here has reached you, and your telephone, over there!

Yes, but no floods.
We are safe enough at 420 metres.

340 metres here!

The Lot’s across the road from our place and I’ve been watching it all weekend because it rose about five metres and was threatening to flood the road. No worries for the house as it’s on a rocky outcrop above the river, but the complications of moving the car to higher ground are considerable as we live in a steep gorge which hasn’t any roads to the top, so I’d have park it about an hour’s walk/climb/scramble away.

Mind you until they cut the road, you could only get here by boat or by climbing down the cliff. I’ve a very rich late C19th account of a visit by steam yacht from the next village downstream. The book’s a patronising Victorian englishman’s anthropological study that alternates between disgust at the amount of dirt and surprise at the quality of the food, wine and coffee (freshly roasted every evening ready for breakfast). It also contains the memorable observation that although the peasants of the Aveyron are filthy (dirty) those of the Lot are far filthier still!

A digression from the weather, but hopefully one that some might enjoy