Wild Weather Weather 2019 - and after the tempests

Owwwww - just not nice, made me feel decidedly queasy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Much more fun than BoJo’s stunt :upside_down_face:

Never mind 42c in Spain - it’s more than that here in France !!!

OK - It’s Midnight (at the oasis) and it is still 30c - phew - nessum dorma tonight methinks.

All doors and windows open at 6 am to refresh the house. More water put out for all animals to share… About to close all doors and windows and curtains to keep house cool.
No plans to go anywhere today, will catch up with all those jobs I have been putting off.

Hope that you can all keep cool, drink plenty of liquids ( non alcoholic :crazy_face: )and keep safe. Don’t do what I saw an absolute idiot of a man do yesterday at 11h45 on the main road…run in shorts with a bare chest and the sun beating down. If I hadn’t had a couple of cars following on then I would have stopped and asked why !


Spare a thought for the premières all over France who are all doing their French lit orals for the Bac this week, they are summoned for 8am or 1400 and have to stay until it is their turn, which could be 4 hours later… my daughter’s is this afternoon.

Oh dear - I hope she can wait in a cool area.

Our village school is not shutting, but giving parents the choice of keeping the child with them/whatever or sending them to school.

We’ve only got 10 children less than usual - and are taking them to the local swimming baths - I might be forced to go with them :upside_down_face::wink:

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Our minister the delightful Jean-Michel Blanquer has decreed that schools must all have a thermometer in each class, close shutters and or blinds etc. Big deal. What they really need is to re-green playgrounds (which all look pretty much like a prison yard and behave like ovens).

Collégiens have had the brevet postponed to Monday and Tuesday instead of today and tomorrow.


Kids went swimming in the morning then back to school for lovely lunch. After a quiet time (???) indoors, they went outside to enjoy themselves in the water once again.

2 paddling pools placed in deep shade under the Tilleuls, a few inches of water (enough to splash) and then a long hose snaking here and there - spraying water gently into the air every few inches. (I want one of those, please.)

Never seen such a simple setup give so much fun to a bunch of lively youngsters.

Their pleadings fell on deaf ears - no thanks, I did not want to stand in either pool and be drenched - but I loved the gentle spray of cold water that wafted over me as I walked amongst the frolicking kids, round and around the pools.

Fabulous day - forget all the bad stuff - yeah… :hugs:


Family have traveled down to the house today, at 1920 local time it was 41 degrees ! Fortunately we bought the dog a cool mat the other week and it seems to be doing its job

are you fighting over who gets to use the cool-mat :upside_down_face::rofl::rofl:

I’m in the UK but it maybe a three way battle between cousin , cousin in law and Jazzi P who gets first dibs

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Went up the road for an 8pm meeting - boiling walking in the open air - not much respite inside the SdFetes.

After waiting the “usual” 15 minutes for late-comers, the other person present suggested we wait until 8.30pm. :thinking::thinking:

Huh… a very hot and miffed Stella said a firm No… and I got up and left.

By the time I had walked the few hundred yards home, I was feeling quite odd and it was lovely to enter into the comparatively cool 25c of our home. Hurrah - at times like this - home is best. :hugs:


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Pets in cars, suffering on hot days: look for the owner - contact police/gendarmes

Seems that only in presence of police/gendarmes can one legally smash a window etc to rescue the animal in danger of its life.

If all fails - you can go ahead with the rescue … but take care and make sure you have witnesses to back you up in the event that you get prosecuted.

Today was definitely NOT the best day to discover that the Aircon in the Salle does not work. Aaaargh. There I was, fiddling at the fusebox thingy having zapped and zapped the aircon, unsuccessfully, time after time. I casually suggested someone ring the Maire to find out which fuses/switch I should tackle.

Mmm… just as well he didn’t hear my fevered outburst at his reply.

Sitting here in aircon heaven tonight…back to reality tomorrow :-1:

This year’s heatwave has been hotter than that of 2003 - and that year gave us some superb wines.

Perhaps there will be a similar compensation this year, too… :relaxed::rofl:

Now you know you’re not supposed to drink alcohol in this extremely hot weather :wine_glass:

Cloud and mist this morning allowed a few hours of pleasantness, but the sun returned this afternoon with a vengence :sunny::sunny:

Another scorcher expected today - but I think this will be the turning point. Temps dropping from Sunday (hopefully).

Keep thinking cool thoughts everyone… :cold_sweat:

Oh I do hope so Stella, it’s becoming something of an obsession of mine, checking Meteo France several times a day in the vain hope of a drop in temperature or day I say it a promise of some rain!