Will you be seeking French Citizenship?

I have supplied 1.5kg of certificates and documents! And am three years in to process. Hence my excitement at getting asked for a casier judicaire from France recently as that, by all accounts, is a very positive sign.


My stepfather though not a Prussian but a good Black Forest boy, was born in Königsberg during WWII so his birth certificate comes from Berlin and takes vast amounts of hooha to obtain.

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That’s easy! My grandfather was a good Prussian lad, and I ended up having to hire someone to go and get his birth certificate from a town in Poland. The Berlin contingent just required days of crawling through the facsimiles of every Standesamt in Berlin to find them since I had no birth address.

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Having passed the language exam required for a French nationality request and starting to build a dossier, I joined the Facebook group for French nationality seekers. I had wonderful experience with @kim 's facebook group for driving licences despite not being able to navigate FB at all easily and thought this one might be similar. It isn’t :worried:

I can’t find anything much on it and had to start just reading through posts. Any hints on how to find stuff would be handy. Also, the recent posts I read talked about having an official document for work history. Since I’ve never worked in France, I don’t have one. Does anyone know if this is a problem or do I just include a CV?

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Not a problem. Just include a list of your work whereever. It’s a good game to try to condense se it to save on translation fees!

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Thanks @JaneJones - most reassuring. Can you tell me whether there is somewhere on that dratted FB site that has some documents that might help with the process, like Kim does? I don’t want to have to read (backwards) through many thousands of posts

What documents do you mean? Xx

Hello @cat - hope things are looking up a bit more for you now!

What I meant was that Kim did a lot of explanatory documents as to what was needed for the driving licence changing process and they were a terrific place to start. If there isn’t anything like that then I’m not sure how much use the FB group is going to be for me. Did you use it, or did you go it alone with “just” the French government pages for info?

Just did it
the gov’t info is fairly straighforward, just language a bit opaque sometimes.

OK, thanks. That’s encouraging!

Hiya, all good here and looking forward to becoming a Grandma! Daisy’s due date is 03 October so I will be heading your way shortly:)

Re nationality - everyone needs to supply slightly different documents (eg I wasn’t asked to supply working history - maybe because I am working?) and even then the prefecture asked for documents that were not on the official list!

So I’d say just supply everything that the drop down menu tells you to supply for your personal circumstances. Then sit back and wait for the prefecture to return your application and ask for more stuff :slight_smile:

It only took me six years and an email to M. le President :slight_smile:

Let me know if you need any help?! And maybe see you soon

Daisy is my daughter btw who lives close to Angela and Angela was a complete star when she first moved up north, providing bedding, hoovers and moral support and the poster with a visa query is a friend of my daughters who Daisy directed to SF! Sorry I meant to reply in the other thread but life is hectic ATM.
I also owe you a reply about le cure in Dax! It’s on my job list


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WOW! A grandma! I would have thought you were a bit young :smiley: Hopefully all is going well with Daisy?

That makes sense about the documents - in fact everyone I know who’s done this has been asked for extra (or even the same several times) documents. Having to email the President does sound a bit dire - I hope it doesn’t come to that for us

Thanks for the offer of help and do get in touch when you’re in the area :smiley:

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Well daisy the daughter’s friend just needs to collect documents and plod through bureacracy with polite determination. I just hope that she lives in a helpful prĂ©fecture. If not, even with Fabien, it is a nightmare.

She will get there one way or another.

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how do I get in touch with Fabien?

Just send him a message through the private message function.

But for nationality, unless you have hit a complex problem , it is straightforward. No need to pay anyone anything apart from the translations and document costs.