Will you be seeking French Citizenship?

Oh thanks @billybutcher !!! I must be too used to Instagram!

I can apply as I have two french grandchildren and its one of the reasons for being accepted via ascendency. Not going to bother though.

I have had dual nationality for 4 years now. Brexit did it, I feel betrayed by my country, Sad.


I’ve had dual nationality all my life : see it as a positive thing :slightly_smiling_face:


So do I! I’m working on it


So positive I’m working on the third! .Just been asked for my casier judicaire by Germany so am hopeful.


Wow @JaneJones - that’s brilliant! Comes of having an interesting set of ancestors

Me too!!

Thats it yer done for. In all honesty I think you will have a hard time with the language test. I passed many years ago but then I was living and working there plus the first OH was a German National. Normally you have to live there permanently for 5 years.

Also No4 wil be a hurdle ie. French will be accepted but you will have to give up the UK one.

Folgende Voraussetzungen mĂŒssen Sie u.a. erfĂŒllen: dauerhafter und rechtmĂ€ĂŸiger Aufenthalt in Deutschland seit acht Jahren, geklĂ€rte IdentitĂ€t und [Staatsangehörigkeit]), Bekenntnis zum Grundgesetz, Aufgabe der bisherigen Staatsangehörigkeit, eigenstĂ€ndige Sicherung des Lebensunterhalts, ausreichende deutsche Sprachkenntnisse, bestandener EinbĂŒrgerungstest, keine Verurteilung wegen einer Straftat.

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It’s different though if you are an ancestral German or the child adopted or not of a German, rather than any old foreigner.

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Absolutely. I had a friend, now deceased sadly, who managed to get German citizenship just before she died. Her Mum was Jewish and German and was stripped of citizenship during WW2. Various recent laws allowed her to reclaim citizenship.


I know this but there are certain other things that will have to be complied with and to be honest I am doubtful. I wish anyone the best of luck when applying for another nationality.

You need to see the hassle applying for the German pension

When I apply it’ll be on the strength of having been adopted by a German person (my stepfather) I’ll also be living there by that time, and German is my second language after French/English. I go to Germany several times a year.
I anticipate faffing about but not failure.


Good for you. I got it on the basis of being married to a German, and living and working there for 40 years, German is also my second native language

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I think my case is likely rarer than yours so they won’t be mentioning it in the general bumf. I probably come under ‘andere UmstĂ€nde’ :rofl:

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:rofl: and i thought that was me after jumping through the hoops.

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No, I’m not asking to get German nationality, I’m applying to have it given back to me. Very different case, and very different laws. Unfortunately when the German government decided to restitute stolen nationalities they put a person with alleged nazi leanings in charge of defining the conditions. So not a breeze.


Were you born in Germany?

Besondere Vorschriften gelten fĂŒr die Verfolgten des Nazi-Regimes, denen die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit aus politischen, rassischen oder religiösen GrĂŒnden zwischen dem 30.01.1933 und dem 08.05.1945 entzogen worden ist. Diese Personen und deren Abkömmlinge haben unter UmstĂ€nden einen Anspruch auf EinbĂŒrgerung.


That is the crux of the matter. Go for it maybe or maybe not.

Having just read briefly through the requirements in the GG it isnt easy is it. But I am sure you will get there. By the way did you apply for a Bescheinigung from the Records office in Hamburg.

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