Winter chills might be on the way

The Grues know when it’s time to seek warmer climes…
They’ve been passing overhead in dribs and drabs, a few hundred

but they’re getting serious now.

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We’ve had a few squadrons of them heading south over the last couple of days. Always amazing to watch them circling in a thermal to gain altitude before honking off again.


Yes, here in our village, things grind to a halt and we all stare upwards… glorious to watch.

One year they circled the church spire (right opposite our bedroom!) in the early hours… too dark to see them, but their honking kept us awake for ages… so, morning cuppa was a tad early that day.

They’re all going from the east of Scotland now too .
I recognise that sound anywhere and looked to see hundreds :grin: then yesterday when out saw many hundreds more flying across us .
Race me home :grin:

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