Women expats and immigrants, in rural France

well to enjoy the flavour and aroma in a good cup of hot choc , coffee whisky or wine.
to celebrate the art of conversation with a glass of something delicious
To get totally drunk.

Special occasion Tim, seeing my teams (Canaries and Spurs) top of the league has driven me to early morning binges. It doesn’t happen very often !!!

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You don’t need to drink alcohol… it surprised me how quickly I lost the taste for it after being given medical advice to reduce my intake.
I found it was easier to just stop altogther (and saved a fortune in the process :wink:)


Well as Tory said “each to his own” but when you choose not to drink it does get tedious having the arse bored off you at gatherings by people who do. I rarely go to the village cafe anymore as its not worth the grief.
That, of course, is just my choice.


it is sad to see people who depend upon alcohol.

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Who has said they depend on it? @toryroo said she has too much,others say they don’t drink ,others were ironic. Personally I can vary from a lot to nothing no one said they are dependant


It’s sad to see people addicted to anything ie booze, drugs, ciggies, gambling and especiaLly those horrible scratch cards…


Addiction is sad