Women’s rights

I am quite proud to not only see France lead the world on abortion, but to see the near overwhelming support in the parliament.

Soon of course we will be regailed by the backward American take on the issue that accompanies each presidential vote. This one maybe worse than the others

Yes, for once rather good to have something positive in the run-up to International Women’s Day.

Well, the American decision was what caused France to make abortion a protected right.

It looks quite performative to me, though 83% of French people are supportive.

I suppose that’s the result of the unusual attitude French law takes of the developing fetus, which has no legal status at all (as I understand it, and in contrast to the case in most developed nations) unless “viable”.

Whereas (apologies if anyone is reading this for the number of edits) the American problem is the result of the politicisation of Christianity.

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Hard cases make bad law, and tend to be used to justify a decision the legislator wants to make.

That’s not only an American only issue Porridge, and It is also a problem with all the other religions. It’s ever been so.

The French move is very positive and very sensible. The opposite happened in Ireland in 1983 and it took 35 years to fix it, with all the suffering, distress and deaths in between.

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I mentioned America because of the contrast @Adam1 made.

Well, all legislation is the result of a society’s worldview, whether that is faith-based or secular.

The French move is based on a very unusual (in global terms) mindset. That it is unusual doesn’t make it wrong, of course.

It made me think though that the Irish referendum in 2018 only did half the job. It shouldn’t have just removed the impediment to a women’s right to choose, it should have imbedded that right in the constitution.

There’s another referendum going on now to remove the “a woman’s place is in the kitchen” article in the constitution. The Church has mobilised and been preaching from the pulpit to reject it. All the old lies being brushed down and trotted out again. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Luckily, there’s nobody at mass to hear them these days.

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I’m surprised by that.

I paraphrase of course, but that’s the gist of it. There are two articles that are throwbacks to the thirties when the Church ran Ireland. Not sure they make much difference now, but it’s a tidy up. Some lawyers are saying removing them could cause confusion in family and inheritance law. I’m not sure I swallow that, because in my experience the legal profession loves confusion, so that the can earn fees clarfying it. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Anyway, it’s probably a safe bet that something the Irish Catholic Church is against is a good thing.

A good day indeed. No doubt some Yank will argure France has got it all wrong.

Listening to the results of Super Tuesday, it was pointed out that whilst Nikki Hayley has won only two states, she is polling around 40% which amounts to many Republican votes who will not vote for Trump in the actual Presidential election.

It will depend on whether she adds her endorsement to his campaign or not. If she refuses to kiss the ring then she’ll be out in the cold if he’s elected (and possibly carry the blame if he isn’t) but if she does then that’s the end of her credibility. Tough choice for her.