
Just about to sign on a house in Britanny.Owner wants to sell separately wood that he's harvested from the grounds.Feel strange about that but bottom line is that he wants 100 euros per cu metre for 36 cu metres of a mix of seasoned and unseasoned oak.Yes , we're talking about 3,600euros! Can anyone advise if this is a good price or not.

Arwel. Good luck & don't forget to let us know how you get on

Here's a commercial price for bois de chauffage in the Rennes area. Not so far distant from your vendor in price.


Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to my increasing my understanding of the cost of wood in France. Clearly there is price range and my take is that I'm being offered a special newcomers rate. I'm going back to the seller with what I consider to be a fair counter-offer.

Once again - many thanks ; diolch yn fawr ; Merci à vous

This week I paid 42e for part seasoned, and 47e for seasoned per cubic metre, I asked the same question, is this a good price, my responses were that I was getting it at a very good price. I think it varies greatly from region to region. 100e seems very expensive

Regards Richard

It sounds extremely high. Why not try telling him you really do not want the wood and would he please cart it away? He might lower the price.

All the comments and feedback have been most helpful .I've gone back and suggested a lower price.Certainly don't want to pay more than the going rate for wood that if not cut down would have formed part of the house and grounds and been included in the purchase price.

In 47, we pay 55-60 euros a cubic metre from the local farmers. Fully seasoned, and a friend in the Limousin has just bought 30 metres at 22 euros a metre, oak, freshly cut, so he will need to store it for 3 years, but 100 seems a lot of money!!

Methinks he taketh the p**s

that's expensive but he's quite entitled to sell it, 50 to 60€ a stère would be a good price (lower end of the range) but it varies from area to area ;-)

Top whack here in Finisterre is 210 euro a cord ie. 70 a stere or cubic metre. Personal I'd tell him to "shove it where the sun don't shine as you can buy it much cheaper", sit back & watch the price tumble. What's he gonna do with it if you don't buy it? He'll have to sell it & find a mug to collect it. Don't think so at that price! , or sell it & deliver it himself. It's a typical "let's milk the gullible Brits" thing.

As a matter of interest I & 3 others spent all of yesterday hauling 10 cords (36 cubic metres ) of wood 2 km to my house. It's a mammoth job & we were well equipped with a tractor & bucket to charge the trailer. If you seller wants to do that himself or find someone else to do it he's a fool.

Leave it until the last minute & tell him you'll take it off his hands for 120 euros a cord or 1200 in total CASH. I bet you if he hasn't found another mug he'll jump at your offer. DON'T be conned by him. France is full of trees. You will hate yourself if you pay his price & then find out the real cost:-)

It's not a bad price maybe a little on the top end of the range. I'd try and get him down to 80euros if buying the whole lot. Depends how your cash flow is like and how much you could see yourself burning,whether or not you have somewhere undercover to store it etc.