Wrong side of the road


If I did pull out and drive up the wrong side of the road, to hit and kill some innocent, I would stay and face the music. I certainly wouldn’t run back to my country, which in my case is England, and refuse to go back and face up to what I had done.

I agree Dan. Too much joking about driving on the wrong side of the road, when this poor lad was killed.


Yes I agree I doubt the people joking would be if it had been them or a loved one involved in an accident

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Yes, shame on them.


Maybe she should be rendered?

Not suprised at all Tim. It’s the same in most countries. And CD status widely used to get tax-free goods for civil servants or nullifying parking tickets, speeding tickets and other less serious traffic offenses. Hopefully, this poor boy’s death will lead to a review of the intended justification for this system at the international level.


This is a matter of law. The above post is emotion driven. The woman in question KILLED a young man. To escape justice she ‘skipped’ the country. This has left the parents of the young even more devastated after his death.
The officials and the woman concerned should be hanging their heads in shame. The woman’s subsequent actions are truly despicable. If she is a decent individual she will return to the UK to face the courts and any justice meted out by said court.
We can probably accept it was an ‘accident’. But be aware my ex traffic cop husband there is no such thing. There is always a fault made my some-one. Calling it an ‘accident’ lessens the impact of what in this case is a tragic death

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why not just stop the sentence there :slightly_smiling_face:

@graham Are you Priti Patel?

Edited to say. I brought this up am uncomfortable with references to hanging and the death penalty. Which appears to be Priti Patel’s direction of travel. However I do think this woman should face justice.

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@almondbiscuit why not just stop the sentence there ?:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Just goes to show the morality and decency of some folks. My point is, and i havent seen any pictures or know the area well, Why didnt the young man take evasive action when he saw the car coming towards him. I have been rifding motorcycles for over 40 years, and have had to take evasive action on more than one occasion due to the actions or inactions of car drivers.

That’s a bit harsh to be fair…
Given that he was travelling at say 30mph and she was doing the same, that’s a closing speed of 60mph - that’s 88feet/second and I doubt even with all your experience that you would be capable of first identifying the closing hazard and then taking effective avoiding action within such a short space of time…

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Perhaps we should consider that the lady driver thought she was driving OK, until she saw someone coming towards her on “her” side of the road.

Likewise, the bike rider possibly thought the driver on the wrong side would return to the correct side… (but, alas did not do so).

We’ve often seen cars coming at us on our side, only to have them duck back in “just in time” - either they are overtaking a vehicle/traffic or simply driving badly. It’s always a heart-stopping moment… :zipper_mouth_face:

Graham, i didnt condemn the young man. I posed the question “why”. Maybe like you say he didnt identify the hazard in enough time, I dont know what the distance between the two vehicles was. But i do think some form of self preservation must have kicked in, maybe i am wrong in my thinking. Fact is the wench should have the decency and moral codex to face the music. Which she upto now obviously hasnt. Or the maybe agency is preventing her from doing so.

Wench ?

Yes Wench, as she doesnt exactly show any morals or decency.

Now, that is taking it a bit far…



noun: wench ; plural noun: wenches


a girl or young woman.

“in the new film about Columbus, she plays the token buxom wench”

archaic (quite fitting in your case)

a prostitute.


As far as I’m aware the accident happened very close to the base entrance (150 metres maximum) so there would have been very little time for either the driver or the rider to avoid the collision.

It disappoints me that a sensible discussion hasn’t taken place at a senior political level so that both families can move on, one to grieve and the other to reflect.


You obviously didn’t read the post that I wrote about a week ago when I pointed out that the person that I know who had had a very similar accident was haunted by the fact that the motorcyclist just kept coming. Mind you I don’t think you can compare yourself after 40 years experience with a 17 year old novice.

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