Yorkshire Pudding (with slight drift)

It’s only human to chuckle at others… and (hopefully) we chuckle at ourselves from time to time…

I know I’ve made some howlers…

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Wretched’s primary meaning is ‘unfortunate’. She was certainly unfortunate.

But not in French, and we were in Inter, in France, she was speaking French (good for her for trying, but for me, a French person, it was funny).

Of course she didn’t realise she was talking about condoms, that is why I sniggered, because clearly I have a mental age of 12.


But she was in France so wasn’t using the correct word at all. I’d have been sniggering as well…childish I know!
Izzy x


Or maybe she did!………

Gosh that’s really grown up! I think my mental age most of the time these days is about 2½ :grin:


In the jam aisle ? :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :wink:

Well, this is a new word to my vocab, will I ever need it NO! :innocent:

Well the jam Isle can be somewhat fruity!


It’s easy enough to sort this out on Google.

Cake/Pastry Flour – Farine T45.
All-purpose Flour – Farine T55.
High Gluten Flour – Farine T65.
Light Whole Wheat Flour – Farine T80.
Whole Wheat Flour – Farine T110.
Dark Whole Wheat – Farine T150.

I announced proudly once that I had learned to fold t shirts like a champignon. I meant champion……


Years ago, someone using quickfire French introduced me to a young lady … I only really picked up the word “enceinte” and blithely asked her when “baby” was expected…

The correct word was “enseignante” = teacher… oops… :rofl:

Poor lass told me her baby was born 3 months ago and she was trying hard to budge the extra weight she’d put on during her pregnancy… :roll_eyes:

She took no offence and understood my confusion… phew.


2nd attempt and we have hit the jackpot - thank you @Fleur. Served with Rôti de Bœuf, veg, obviously home made gravy and English Mustard


They look really good! In fact, better than my own… and I’m so pleased you tried the recipe Mat.

Those look fab, is there though the all important claggy bit in the middle somewhere?

I bet there is under the centre ‘puff’

It takes allsorts :laughing::laughing:

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Oh not liquorice as well - that would be disgusting!


Yorkshires are good with jam :slight_smile:

Obviously not at the same time as meat and gravy though.

As children we were given left overs with jam, am I right in thinking it originated Yorkshire way?

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Yorkshire pudding with golden syrup is a marvellous thing.

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