2019 French Tax Return

Online - those great PDF things you provided elsewhere are great - but they don’t mention salary…

I know where I put it before but I’m having doubts … and I’m not telling in case I’m a complete t***

In case I’m confusing you too (you’ve quoted bank accounts) - its literally the box for a UK salary.

3916 all done - bank interest all done - dividends done - AE stuff done.

I want a puppy obviously- its taken 2 days of looking at puppy pictures when I should be filling in tax returns. Talk about deflection activity - look at site - find AE income - look at puppies - look at Impots - nope more puppies. Look at Impots - make a cake. Look at Impots - get distracted by puppies - go make bread. Look at Impots - nah puppies. I may even hoover …

Time so far - 15 minutes on Impots - 12 hours looking at puppies - 4 hours baking …


Puppies are nicer!

Thats what I decided. Bung some numbers in random boxes and look at puppies - it adds up right on the final page.

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Six months…

Does this help?
Other than that, in the guidance How to declare… on line.pdf page 13

Thanks - not really. I’ve made it work… sent them a note - they can call me if its wrong.

Those help pages made some of it simpler but not the salary bit

That is properly adorable.

a bon plan methinks @chrisell :heavy_check_mark:

Sometimes in life just pick the easy route.

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You get the🏅 it’s just taken us 1hr 15m…

I’ve just translated 5 piddling payments a month for 13 months using the daily rate but I should have waited and got the average of €1.14 - £1 as when I averaged mine out it came to €1.1434 - £1. Could have saved myself hours.

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Hi Stella, I don’t actually know how to write a question without actually replying to someone’s previous message. However, you are a good place to start. This forum is really helpful. I now understand why I can’t generate the on-line form 2042C PRO because of reading all the comments here. The forms have been amalgamated haven’t they. I just have one last query before I can get rid of the on-line return. On the 2042 I have always put our private pensions in 1AS and 1BS but these boxes are greyed out. I see you have put yours in 1AL and 1BL. Ours are private pensions taxable in France - do I put mine in 1AM and 1BM? Sorry if it’s all been asked before……

check what the wording is alongside the boxes under 1AL

I’ve done my return and can’t recall what that line relates to… but it might well be what you are looking for…

Ok thank you…will do.

The bit that made the process easier of filing online was completing the annexes first - my wife had read this somewhere and it certainly helped.

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Yes I read that too Mat. The thing that I have found annoying (unless I’ve made a mistake) is that I paid the usual 14 euros for the Connexions tax guide which told me to do the annexes first (including the 2042C PRO for my husband’s autoentrepreneur work). However, having spent ages trying to get the 2042C PRO to generate itself on line, or whatever the correct wording is, I have now realised from reading this forum that it no longer exists because several forms have been amalgamated. I have only bought the guide twice and I know that they publish it before the on-line version is open.

Sorry to bother you Stella, how to I ask a question under the ‘Tax and Social charges’ without actually replying to someone?

Depending on your screen and what you can see… go to main page and press “New”