A no-deal Brexit spells trouble for Emmanuel Macron

Take it up with the OECD and IMFthat’s where the figures come from

Are you sure you are not Alf Garnett

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Who is Alf Garnett?

A quick heads up @vero

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Goodness. I hadn’t seen this and don’t think I have missed anything.
I don’t see a resemblance myself, although the moustache perhaps…


You probably have to watch quite a bit (more than one episode) and understand the context - at the time it was quite a forward thinking satire on racism and intolerant attitudes.

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I spent from 4 to A levels in Scotland, but girls’ boarding schools in those days were absurdly strict and we weren’t allowed to watch television so I don’t know it and never developed a taste for it. Wimbledon/the 6 nations /Olympics etc is about it even now. I am not dissing television, btw, I just don’t know anything about it.

It was a satire, which may have been lost to some very dense racist and chauvinist men, but even those would have been given pause for thought, I think.

Alf was a near apoplectic and highly strung middle aged man, pathetically querulent and complaining with a put-upon whine about black and ‘coloured’ people, to whom he attributed the deeply offensive (to him) characteristic of not being, and not behaving, white.

His comedic foil was his son-in-law, who tried doggedly but unsuccessfully to reason with him; and his zen-like and long-suffering wife who managed to take the wind out of his sails with quiet but exquisitely targeted put-downs of his puffed-up self-righteousness and his lack of balls.

It was ahead of its time, but a very powerful and incisive commentary then on “the way we were”, and another mile-stone on the road to a hoped-for decent society.

There is still a long, long wait to go, and it’s always four timid baby steps forward, three sulky steps back IMO.

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“His comedic foil was his son-in-law, who tried doggedly but unsuccessfully to reason with him; and his zen-like and long-suffering wife who managed to take the wind out of his sails with quiet but exquisitely targeted put-downs of his puffed-up self-righteousness and his lack of balls.”
In addition, his daughter was played by none other than Cherie Blair, the wife of Tony Blair.

Oops, got that wrong, Cherie Blair is the daughter of Anthony Booth who played Alfs son in law.

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It all seems a very, very very long time ago now, Roy…! :roll_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Good old Alf, a true Brexiteer before his time. The last bit was interesting too, when the “silly moo” predicted the emergence of streaming, and video on demand, à la Netflix and Amazon Prime, as the preferred way of watching TV :slight_smile: The traditional TV license is becoming an anachronism.

I do not like this site as very clicky and it’s all for the owners making advertising revenue and starting silly discussions, but for free speech you should let everyone have their opinion even if you don’t agree with it.
I think the Uk would be better in a new EU but one that is more democratic and let’s each country have the same power, as it is it’s basically run by Germany , France and Belgium to the detriment to the southern countries. The eastern countries are happy as long as they keep receiving more than they pay in.
But the EU do very little for the main problems the planet faces, pollution, plastics, loss of species and the man made disasters of global warming.
Nothing serious is been done to cut plastic manufacturing or usage, pesticide use many banned on a voluntary basis in different countries,
what happened to Syria, Yemen all left to their own fate and abandoned with millions starving and murdered, not to mention Israel’s war crimes.
The EU is trying to be something that it isn’t , stay or go everyone has a opinion but to stay living peacefully in France is not one of them.

Sorry Barrie - I do live peacefully in France and have done so for nearly 20 years and intend - Brexit or not - continuing to do so.

I accept you have a point of view and are entitled to share it - Clickyness and Clannishness are very British traits - it is expected on an expat forum but we don’t all agree with each other or share the same views - welcome to the debate l, and others, will be very interested in your input.

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Yet, here you are.


Everybody is sometimes trying to be something they’re not. That’s what life involves: striving, aspiring, learning, adjusting to change, overcoming difficulties, avoiding danger and staying safe.

But trying doesn’t equate to taking one’s blessings or talents for granted, or not sometimes being still and knowing, for an instant, that all is as it is, and in that instant couldn’t be otherwise.

The EU is like that, imperfect but striving to be less imperfect as thoroughly and as cheerfully as possible.

I also live peacefully in France and have done so for over 11 years and absolutely nothing will take me away.
Sorry this site doesn’t suit you but I’m sure you will find peace and tranquillity somewhere - perhaps here.


I have been blaming the excessive heat for some of the odder posts on the Forum… but it has turned almost chilly today… and still they appear… so perhaps the weather is not to blame after all… :thinking::wink:


What have Syria and the Yemen got to do with the EU? The conflicts are truly awful, but surely it’s for global bodies like the United Nations to lead on looking for solutions not the EU.

And as for your point on environmental issues…I think you need to look more closely at what the EU has achieved rather than parrot headlines from ill-informed sources. . Not enough I agree, but at least small positive steps in the face of huge commercial opposition. And as soon as the UK leaves the EU I imagine it will tear up the environmental legislation and the UK will become the dirty old man of the western world once again. And you are welcome to it.

I imagine if I posted on a forum that was predominated made up of leave voters I would get a much less polite response than you are getting here.

What do you mean by clicky? Clicking what? Links?
The owners can do what they want with it, that rather goes with being the owners.
Silly discussions? I am sure you can find more serious, erudite and intellectually up to your superior level discussions elsewhere.