Almost nothing seems to be working in Britain…

that’s for them to know and you to worry about :wink:

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Worry, why would I worry?

I should possibly expand that I think it an *accurate* summation of the UK’s woes, and fairly well written - and identifying the problems is certainly a useful step. But I was definitely left wondering what the author thought we should do  about it all.

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Buy $s?

I didn’t take offence, but maybe other follicly challenged contributors did. As for those with moustaches, Who knows what wrath has been unleashed :thinking:


Great song.


Excellent link Martin, thanks. A powerful article, from one of the tribe, if only there was a chance he’d be listened to.

I liked “ They are throwing bricks through windows with no notes attached.”


I’m sticking with the New Statesman for the time being :wink:

Yes, one swallow doesn’t make a summer :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Definitely, it’s awful normally, but stopped clock and all that.

Nah, the Chinese can devalue the almighty $ in a heartbeat.

Buy Kalashnikovs, tinned food and bottled water.

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Why would any executive commit to long term cash sapping investment rather than short term profits that drive their bonuses (and shareholder dividends/buy backs/share price)? Not rocket science, just lazy toothless supervision.

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Fat and dumb I would question but in principal the situation is as stated . However under the existing parliamentary process it is democratic as the voters elected the Conservatives to office.
I am no more happy about the situation than you and many others , but I am not certain what other options exist ?
Our process of electing Government is undoubtably outdated and unfair however I am interested in alternatives such as proportional representation and a more contractural based manifesto or business plan with people of proven managerial skills .
Any other serious suggestions I would welcome :pray:


Some very worrying information and viewpoints in these articles today. The suggestion outlined by @Anthony_Storr above are becoming a realistic alternative to current processes for electing UK governments. With the Tories a spent and dangerous force and Labour shuffling their feet on the sidelines nothing will change the situation in the short-term. Perhaps a repeat of the Liberal Democratic surge we saw a few years back may have an impact and a Labour/LibDem coalition could be a viable alternative. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

" If demands for progressive change continue to be obstructed by a political class that can only react to such demands with panic, derision and hostility, then disillusioned voters are likely to turn to far more dangerous forms of populism."