Ameli asking for proof of residence

Gestion des siècles

Comme le rang d’ordre (chiffres 11 à 13) est attribué de manière croissante et sans référence au numéro d’acte de naissance, le fait que le NIR soit attribué à des personnes nées à plus de 100 ans d’intervalle n’est pas un problème : pour les personnes nées sur une commune en 1991 (première année durant laquelle le problème s’est posé), le rang le plus bas est le plus haut rang attribué aux personnes nées en 1891 sur cette commune, plus un. La possibilité d’utiliser des codes communes fictifs quand le rang d’une commune a atteint 999 laisse une marge confortable

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How can they anticipate the unknown? Brexit may not even happen and if it does the rules after may not change at all.

There’s no point in anyone doing anything until we know what needs to be done.

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Goood to try to be a step ahead tho’ innit :grin:

That would be the best thing to happen


A step ahead of what Bill?

If Brexit doesn’t happen (wouldn’t that be wonderful!!!) we will not need a CdS.

If Brexit happens a deal may be reached where we don’t need a carte of any kind, as is the case now.

If Brexit happens we don’t know if a CdS issued now will be of any use afterwards because no agreement has been reached on that. It’s possible that a whole other process will be required. Who knows?

For me it’s a waste of time, effort, money and worry to do anything at all before we know what is needed.


Oh yes Babeth, I hope for that miracle just about every day! :crossed_fingers:

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Of course Mandy, we will all do what we think best, I very much Hope ‘sense prevails’ but no sign just now :thinking:

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Some people go with the stampeding herd and consider that to be a step ahead. As individuals we can make choices and until Brexit actually happens nobody knows exactly what the requirements for proof of residency will be. I’m quite happy to wait until those requirements are written down in black and white.

You are a very offensive person Dave, sure you don’t mean to be tho’, surely :wink:

Of course everyone must do what they feel is best for them. If it gives you peace of mind then perhaps getting a CdS is correct for you.

For me, I’m not going to worry about it. I have far more important things to worry about with hubby very ill… if he makes it to March next year then I won’t give a rat’s arse what we need to do. If he doesn’t then I doubt I will be in France to care.


I don’t know if the connexion articles are reliable or not, but here is another one to have a think about. I had myself issues in the past with the CPAM and I know they can be very time and paper consuming, even if you are in the right. As they say, “c’est à l’assuré de faire valoir ses droits”. This sentence, even became a joke “c’est comme à la sécu, c’est à l’assuré de faire valoir ses droits” which applies to anybody to who you owe money !

After all, we all free to do or think what we want, and I just stop on this subject.

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Understandable Mandy :heart: very best wishes to You Both :slightly_smiling_face:

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Why offensive? Everywhere I look on the internet I see people panicking due to the amount of scaremongering out there. There are quite a few people who are genuinely worried about what the future holds and the spreading of rumour does them no good at all. All I have done here is to second Mandy’s opinion that there’s no point in rushing into procedures that might at best be helpful in the future. Just because my outlook is different from your own does not make me wrong or offensive.


Thanks Bill x


I won’t even read your posts again David, that’s the best way to avoid your unpleasantness :wave:

Yes I saw that Babeth. The Connexion have not been entirely reliable in the past but this could be a worry. Especially as it seems to be based on someone’s personal experience.

We have just renewed our CMU/ACS with RSI (or whatever they are called now) and we were’nt required to provide any more documentation than normal and the whole process has been very smooth this year. Our rights are agreed up to August next year. Perhaps it is different for us as hubby has worked in France, paid social charges and receives a French pension.

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As I have pointed out we are free to make our own decisions. If you don’t read my posts I won’t have to endure your sniping replies to the ones that you disagree with. Win-win!

Totally agree with you Mandy and with Aquitaine too.

On a more personal note sending you lots of hugs and good wishes. Can’t be easy with your OH so very ill, my thoughts are with you xx


Thank you Ann xxx

This forum is a wonderful distraction for me. A little bit of light relief.


Not all letters are correct… :thinking::wink: