And now.....some GOOD news!

you are lucky, we have had nightmares and troubles for a long time, good luck

Well good news usually follows some bad news.

We got back from our battle with Leclerc and found that the Persimon tree which

shades a lounging area had fallen over in the wind......unripened fruits all sitting

on the gravelled parking area and a an alarming amount of tree arms and follage

making the whole thing look so sad!

A call to a friend not so far away and help was there fairly soon.

All was fine and Dandy before the clients returned to the house from their afternoon


Good news to know that there are friends out there willing to help.

Cepes and Truffes are big business, if only I had a trained pig !!

More good news. I made the formal application for my French Retraite yesterday at the local CARSAT office. The lady was mega efficient as usual. Just made a RdV with the CICAS (I love acronyms ) who deal with the Retraites Complémentaires.

Yippee, rich at last !

Just back from a stroll in the forest. People with plastic bags everywhere, I am surprised there are any ceps left! One or two black truffle experts were evident today, they need to be nifty before hunting starts.

The good news about our Sepp is that he will either go to prison eventually or leave this world before he can be prosecuted...

Lovely morning. Just got back from my morning constitutional into town, a round trip of an hour. A bit nippy to start with but glorious when I eventually staggered back up the hill !

Looked good, then you rounded off with Sepp Blatter one of the world's clearly most honest men who has decently and truthfully refused to reveal his salary and expense allowances to the Swiss public authorities even.

At least it will be sunny and warm here too.