And so the Brexshit effects begin

…as a comment that’s a bit beneath you isn’t it? Lots of people can’t spell clique as they’ve never seen it written.

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I Fink it woz the fineul stror wot broak the kambulls bak. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::ear_of_rice::dromedary_camel:

Maybe I’m old fashioned but I think correct spelling is important.


And I’m often up my own arse, but old-fashioned enough to know it’s in bad taste to even lift an eyebrow about another’s misspelling or mispronunciation. :hugs:


of course some errors can be overlooked for the sake of politeness, but if poor spelling or grammar obscures the desired meaning of the sentence then imho that is not acceptable.

Grammar and spelling is my job and it winds me up no end when I see a ‘professional’ writer or linguist making mistakes but not otherwise. I believe Barrie is an artisan and I respect that. Artisans can do lots of things I can’t.


If one’s grammar and spelling are up scratch to spot an error, then ‘odds on’ one will have the gumption to make sense of what is being communicated.

I spotted the minor error but knew at once what meaning Barrie intended, why not you?

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Nope… it’s the sound his brain makes :crazy_face:


If they are EU countries they do…

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I spotted your image hovering at the bottom of my screen and know you were launching another of your humdingers, Graham, but was too slow to duck, and caught it straight between the eyes! :confounded:

Need to up my fistful of Vitamin B Complex to sharpen my antiballistic reflexes…(ducks) :face_with_head_bandage:

me too sweetie :crazy_face:

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I saw this and thought of you…

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Perhaps they should read more.

And thank you so much for being so delightfully rude too.

Why do you call them French ‘news’ programmes? Why the inverted commas around the word news?

Sorry, forgot the tongue in cheek emoticon which might have helped? Wasn’t trying to be rude to you, but I twitch a bit about those sorts of things. I’m was a mod on a forum where someone with some type of dyslexia got ridiculed.


Actually that made me laugh.
There might be a lot of this to come.

Most outcomes will depend depends on the UK’s stance. They are the ones having chosen to leave. For instance, from the very informative Q&A document published by the UKTF (well worth a read) as it clearly lists all the potential consequences.

What will be the role of the European Court of Justice?

The European Court of Justice is the final arbiter when it comes to the interpretation and application of rules of Union law. The future agreement must respect this by making sure that no other court, tribunal or arbitration panel set up by the parties may encroach upon the role of the Court of Justice. The precise role of the European Court of Justice under the future agreement will depend on the content of the future relationship with the United Kingdom.

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I have been reading this thread with increasing disappointment. Brexit is underway - Nothing, absolutely nothing you can do or say will alter that fact. Making personal attacks on Brexiteers or in some cases a general bashing of the UK and it’s citizens seems to have become more virulent post Brexit on the Forum.

I thought that this article was well written and makes some very interesting observations about the unpleasantness that is manifesting itself in the UK. I thought some points apply equally to some of the contributors on this thread.

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Sorry, I forgot to post the link to the Q&A document. Here it is :