Another corking piece of ill-thought through prejudice - this time from the UK Daily Mail

Hi good piece by Charlie Brooker in the Graniaud

Ok getting my coat before the flak flies!

very funny, it led me on to another article about his visit to japan with green kit-kats and automatic toilets, even better.

I must admit I don’t and never have read a newspaper in earnest, I may have scanned through one in the crew room years ago if it had been left behind but I never have bought one, for the simple fact I don’t want to read about why someone’s marriage has failed or who is bonking who, if you are out sh*****g every night while your wife and kids are at home that’s nothing to do with me plus most stories are grossly exaggerated ,they have to be else why would anyone want to read them, in fact I worked with a guy from Liverpool many years ago who only read the last three pages of any newspaper, the sports pages , I think mainly because he was illiterate and just looked at the pictures of footballers who were probably of equal mentality

Trouble is that many of them have been to those universities but what sh*ts they are. Knowledge and all that goes with it is to share for the good of humanity, even where people do not understand it, and can always be confronted. Those people who declare themselves the experts, therefore indesputably right (so shut up plebs, they think) are a discredit to acadaemia and mostly very much loathed. The DM and such rags are their last refuge because they find no audience that does not answer back anywhere else. Some of them appear on Question Time on BBC and its ilk and if one looks at their faces their expressions are bitter like their words. People without joy or humour. They pontificate via the DM, etc and actually there are suckers who fall for it. Sad... Another reason OH and I got out. I might argue and heckle at times and chuck in a few mild yellow card worthy comments but really all people like myself want is a better world which is not a lot to ask for given it is all our species has...

Which is naturally reflected by large numbers of people from the respective countries living in the other who are often happier than those who 'belong'!

I read the Daily Fail only to find outrageous stories on health issues, and also to understand my grandmother's latest paranoia. Having had a fall (she's 80) I was staying with her whilst she recuperated. She kept wandering to the bathroom in the dark.

"What are you doing?" I asked. "Why don't you put the light on?" I thought it might be something like if she puts the light on, she was afraid I'd see, or it wakes her up, or she can't be bothered, or she can't find the light switch in the dark.

"The Daily Mail says that if you put the light on in the dark, it will give you cancer."

And so it did. The headline was actually 'Why going to the toilet during the night can give you cancer' and it related to a study of 8 mice who developed cancerous cells when the light was left on in the middle of the night for an hour.

First, I wonder how many similar studies have studied the effect on health of reading the DM - how many old people now fall because they've left the light off - and second, she's 80. It'll take at least 20 years for it to have an effect.

The Daily Mail is just as funny as The Onion, but I'm not so sure it's supposed to be. :/

If they can misread science, they can misread foreign languages and I'd advise anyone with a copy of the DM to read it with a huge kilo of salt. That will, of course, give you cancer, so you better steer clear altogether.

@ Liam - Sorry - we must have posted at the same time !

Definite solution to this is not to read the Daily Mail!!

I gave up buying a UK newspaper (any of them - not just the DM!!) some years ago (while we were still living in UK) because I got so fed up with the biased and inaccurate reporting!!

priceless! ;-D

P.S. to my earlier post. There are more serious reports on newspaper readership, but this adds an interesting comment : -

Yes Priminister :

Me too...

I am not a Daily Mail reader -except I suppose on a plane or train etc. when I want something light.

My post is not to defend the article, but simply say that I really don't think Nicolas Sarkozy made the comment without any intention of criticising the UK.His goal is to win the elections - he has to appear to be the only one who knows what to do in this current 'crisis' - in or outside France...

all comments are valuable.

Why oh why do the british press and Media in general have a passion for turning

everyone away from THAT love affair with France or even maintaining the affection

which the Brits seem to find appealing and exciting.

I was contatcted by a "none fluffy" PRODUCTION CO which is RESPONSIBLE for

some ITV documentries.
Having had a got look around I rumigGed behind the scenes and realised that I knew

the founder and main dirtector who was one of my most prolific clients from Kensington

House and, of course ventured out on his own. This was oh so long ago the same time

as Bazalgette began his career in reality soaparamas.

Seaking to fascinate as most them do....INCLUDING some eliments of reality but

avoiding most of the most amazing and creative people who do not meet their approval.

Eccentricity was always found with the 2 Arena Directors ANTHONY WALL and Nigel Finch.

When will the media be interested to see France as she really is and that the Etrangers here

are not a bunch of kareokee kids with ready made meals in the freezer OR boys and girls who

drink beer till they drop.

WHEN I mentioned that I wanted a positive image expressed on British TV if I got involved.

That was the end of the communication.

Nothing changes.

It makes me laugh each and every time ! So true !

Love it!

Exactly - I certainly don't bother and waste time reading that kind of rubbish newspapers!

Why reading the Daily Mail ? I have to share this link with you;

Reminding me of teaching in Cambridge. I lived 12 miles out and there was a bit of road through a gulley that the snowplough used to take several tries to clear. On more than one occasion I got in nonetheless by driving a longer route where it got me on to a quickly cleared A road in. Students had been told not to bother because I would not get in. The city was functioning more or less normally and most had a five minute walk at worst. OK, a few from the outskirts digs might have been excused. First time, OK, second I was disgruntled: we had to reschedule and all that but not get paid for making the effort since regulations said teaching must be completed to be paid. So I complained and my teaching was never cancelled again, but lecturers living 10 minutes away on their bikes cancelled. So I called in the assessor! I was angry because somebody had taken a lecture room key home and not come in and the secretaries saw I had all students with me but no room and nowhere to go. So the assessor came over from the Senate House and reco'd I be paid and the defaulting lecturer have that hour stopped from his salary! Cambridge can be so medieval and that is such a part of those archaic regulations that gave me so much fun but also it was done in front of the students which meant that the bloke taking advantage was going to get it back...

Have a good one... buona giornata..

Success - I'm grinning and giggling, thank you Catharine. just popped head out of door to see thermometer... -12.5° here this morning, youngest sitting on his potty in front of the tele, eldest still asleep, OH has to leave for work in 5 minutes, so it's over to me to get the rest of us fed, watered, dressed and off to school and nounou on time before I venture off to the IUT in Figeac and possibly an empty classroom for the second day running, which I'll be more than happy about as they normally pay me if I've managed to get in and I'm there to give lessons ;-)

no puppy peepee on the floor, amthough we've had our moments of cat crap, and I won't be lighting the fire until I get in this evening.

Passez une bonne journée tous les deux et à tout à l'heure