Any cheerful news today? (Nothing negative please! 🙂)

Partner passed CT this afternoon with flying colours. Just one small advisory, the rubber on the brake pedal is worn, but I don’t know how, I hardly ever use it. :rofl:



Hubby checked our courgette plant as possible frost tonight!!


My water bill came online to me earlier - half the costs in every part of what my previous bills were in the/ or one of the most expensive regions of France for water. Got more to spend on xmas now! :wine_glass: :plate_with_cutlery:


 the £10 Xmas Bonus has just hit my bank account
 every little helps


Pensioners in UK and other countries in the EU got double WFP , but not France.
Merry Christmas IDS.

and the cheerful news is
 it’s NOT snowing


Plenty on top of this part of the Pyrenees currently which has made it a lot colder than last week. Hope it stays up there, do not like the snow very much.


so your cheerful news is
 the snow hasn’t reached you

No and I don’t think it will. DIL and grandson gone upto Les Angles earlier for a walk in the white stuff if there is any with her parents and lunch up there or nearby. Its actually warmed up today.

Well, thats cheerful news

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an excellent result

IDFS, you mean

Is no one taking the sleazy British shysters to court over this? All we get here is the bad news - that gets handed out to us but nothing good does.

I mean, France is not going to help, whilst they quite correctly help only those for whom they are socially responsible - so who does the UK think is going to provide the extra help needed by those they remain socially responsible for?

What’s the situation for UK state pensioners in that other tropical EU country to the South of us ie Spain? They, too, have overseas territories in hot places or the winter-sun Canary Islands at least.

Which is why we have the “Any cheerful news today?” thread
 where we can find something to smile about
 something to lift our spirits
 and “Nothing negative please” is requested in the thread Title

and today’s “cheerful news” is that there is NO frost this morning
 so the geraniums which I forgot to “bring in” are still alive

(I shall be taking them out of their pots, shaking the earth from their roots and putting the plants into a brown paper sack
 to hibernate gently in a cool room.)


 really good news
 for such a worthy cause
 and there’s still time for folk to give more if they wish

Suspending the good news for an instant to answer that, they are territories, perhaps not part of Spain, the French tropical islands are Departements and therefore part of France. IDS is too thick or too dishonest to tell the difference.

On the other hand, I repaired a sagging settee by replacing the straps under the cushions with a piece of board (forget the name but it is very heavy and looks like lots of leaves etc. all pressed together) which cost €47. I have already got a map board for my pre-autoroute wall map of France out of it and there is still a sizeable piece left over for something else when it turns up. :joy:

The difference is enormous, ok a little harder on the bum but that doesn’t worry me, because since the arrival of little Opie, who stole Jules’ comfy couch, the latter has to share the settee with me. And, due to the sagginess he insisted on more than the usual rotations before settling and the protective blanket was dragged away from protection duties plus the seat cushions worked their way outwards making it difficult to get on and off for both of us.

A very well spent €47 I reckon. :rofl:


If you live in the heel of Italy you get the winter fuel payment. The Italians have no tropical islands to forge their figures with.

And the cheerful news is that I do NOT live in the heel of Italy
 :rofl: :rofl: :+1:


But they do have the Mafia :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

The good news from Provence is that the water table must surely now be completely replenished.

My Agnes does not appreciate the days of rain and thunder