Any cheerful news today? (Nothing negative please! šŸ™‚)

My grandma used to do a lot of tatting but I never really found out what it actually involved.

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I recently found some left from when I was having a go - possibly 50 years ago? :scream:

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Making mats hanky-edges and collars I believe. It is fatter lace than the sort done on a cushion with a load of bobbins.


I am mad about all things lace! My Spanish friend says I am just like her late grandmother and she cannot understand it. I always loved the idea of having fine linen lace edged antimacassars on the backs of large, plush armchairs but my husband put his foot down. He said, ā€œToo Chairman Mao!ā€

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Yes we popped along to the Fitou region not far from here and got some in for xmas from a trusted vigneron. My son bought several good bottles produced in 2020 when his son was born and he will keep it (hopefully) until his 18th.

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Spent all morning and finally got all my CDā€™s sorted out and in order to find easily. When I packed to move, everything just got shoved in cartons and the same when I unpacked to get rid of said cartons. Also had a clearout of xmas deco I brought down as well, some was tatty but decided to be ruthless and perhaps replace it with new as its about time for some new stuff. Makes you feel good when you get stuff sorted dosnā€™t it!


Just back from my mammogram (long overdue, my sister died over 18 months ago!). Everything perfect and didnā€™t hurt at all!!! Double win! Feel like a weight has been lifted!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Glad for your good news!!!
and am left wondering if theyā€™ve changed the machineryā€¦ always hurts like Xell for meā€¦


Me too and I only have one breast to squash!


More good news todayā€¦ just had a wonderful haircut and brushingā€¦ the lady ā€œthreatenedā€ a complete transformation and sheā€™s more than kept her promiseā€¦
Feel as if Iā€™ve been reborn and OH is very pleased with his new, young wifeā€¦ :+1: :rofl: :rofl:


Very good news is that weā€™ve actually managed to repair a huge 3m wide french window roller shutter, that got stuck due to a broken fixation on one side. OH found the parts on the internet and they came yesterday.

We managed to detach the shutter completely from the roller and then push it over the top of the roller by hand into a position of equilibrium, to slide out the bent top slat, replace it and then refix it all to the roller. We did have to take off a heavy door, but my Bescherelle came in handy for the first time, for levering the door up on its hingesā€¦ thinksā€¦ must read it sometime.


May your youth continue if he manages to make good on the ā€˜promiseā€™. :wink::smile:

It did say it on the letter that or was a machine installed in July so maybe! It was ever so slightly uncomfortable but she even said to say if it hurts as it shouldnā€™t. Its at the CIMROD:
Cabinet de radiologie LAKANAL
76 Bd Bertran de Born PERIGUEUX


They have their own parking too, much appreciated!


A new look can do you a power of good.


Mend is always best.

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Youā€™re right Jane. We had faith that the shutter was designed not only to work, but to be repairable.

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Oh no! This is not so cheerful but I donā€™t know where else to post

PMQ will not be as colourful without him. I sincerely wish him well :scotland:


Here :slight_smile:


With all thatā€™s happening in the worldā€¦ itā€™s nice if we can keep one thread really cheerfulā€¦

and, with that in mindā€¦ my cheerful news is that Iā€™ve just finished a walk with an elderly friendā€¦ and neither of us was out of breath as we stumbled back homeā€¦
Itā€™s been a while since sheā€™s been able to do that, so todayā€™s success has lifted her spirits. :+1: :+1: