Any cheerful news today? (Nothing negative please! 🙂)

Gammaglobulin is your friend :slightly_smiling_face:


I had my motorbike out today, all the way from Yvelines to La Vienne and the first time out for months following a slipped disc in my neck. I ride with enthusiasm :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
On the downside, I definitely have a cold coming on.


And I’m back in Yvelines, though due to the man flu I decided to just set the cruise control and take the pĂ©age on the way back. I much prefer the D roads but you need to be on your game riding on some of those.
As a bonus, I managed to connect my heat pump to the network so that I can control it remotely in the event that I forget to put it in vacation mode (ahem) plus set up an openvpn server so that I can reach it securely.
And finally, my first experience of upsetting a stink bug as I tried to chase it out. :nauseated_face:


Remember John, nothing negative please. :grin: The good news is that it’s your first experience - that you should be so lucky!


On the upside after 3 bouts of COVID, I don’t really have a sense of smell worth talking about so it wasn’t particularly unpleasant :wink:


They really aren’t that bad, it’s just a camphorish sort of smell. Much less awful than what my dog used to roll in.

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Very cheerful news that you are not in Oz, I would estimate our stink bugs are 10x as strong :crazy_face:

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I use a couple of pieces of toilet roll to pick up the bug and put it by a door or window.
Very successful and no stink.


Are there also those gruesome giant centipedes which spray you with stinky corrosive poisonous stuff? Or is that just Madagascar now I think about it.

I’m with @vero on this, I find the almond scent quite attractive but that is only from memory. I regularly pick them up gently in my hand, or with the upturned plastic jar visitor ejector, and launch them to the outside world where they happily fly away. I haven’t had a farty one for ages, they must appreciate the careful handling. :joy:

I was in the surgery the other day and a lady leaned over and said to me, you have a puce on your sleeve. I said is it yours and she shook her head so I blew it off. It dropped to the floor and started to walk away, so she stood up and stamped on it. I was so upset I felt like stamping on her.


It must be just me but although I have an extremely sensitive sense of smell, I’ve never experience anything to give me an explanation of the name. We’ve got loads and loads of them. Are there any shield bugs that aren’t stinky? Just wondering

Most of them if unsquashed, as only stink if threatened or flattened.

That could be it then, as I think they are rather pretty and leave them alone. Not sure how you would threaten one though :thinking: :smiley:

Not bad for just one morning’s work including the scaffolding. It is now bucketing down with rain though so I’m glad it’s not us doing it :smiley:


So not a repointing job then :yum::sunglasses:

Just a teeny bit bigger :roll_eyes:

They were just leaving work for the day when the menuisier turned up - he wants to fit the new windows tomorrow. That should be “interesting”. Fotunately the two teams know each other well!


Just been to LeClerc and they had black friday petite electromenager items on promo. Needed a new raclette machine and the Tefal raclette machine with plancher and crĂȘpe making surface was down from €49.99 to €27.99. My old Tefal one kept blowing fuses in the new house but was a good 25years old so I kept all the shovels and spades as were like new. They had Tassimo small coffee makers for €20 and lots of other reduced items that would make good presents.


Horrible woman :rage: I agree with stamping on her.

Just back from the Clinique de sport in Bordeaux with my son. He has had recurring dislocated shoulders for years and been signed off work / apprenticeship for the last month when he had an xray showing a fractured glĂšne. Fabulous surgeon saw us, there is 22mm of bone missing and a flattened humerous :roll_eyes:. He was pretty shocked by it but knew exactly how to fix it using s bit of useless bone from nearby! How utterly handy and wonderful that we have spare parts! I was imaging titanium plates! Also happy for him to go back to work and school until his op on 11 March. He is thrilled, not been doing his mental health any good being off!

The operation sounds amazing and only day surgery!


Interesting stone in the gable!