Any cheerful news today? (Nothing negative please! šŸ™‚)

Do you want me to send you some? I think they would cope for a day or 2 in a jiffy bag.


Wow Sue! We didnā€™t have them until a couple of years ago and only found out from you guys what they were last yearā€¦ This is a great idea as they seem to be popping up everywhere now, including places Iā€™d rather not!

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Iā€™m finding them incredibly easy to dig up right now. Because weā€™ve had so much rain but none for a few days the ground is really friable. They are not very deep. All their roots, which are quite fleshy are at the top of the rhizome. Iā€™ve got one of those rootslayer spades, outrageously expensive but very good. I just dig down along 2-3 sides of the plant and get the spade under the rhizome, lift and the rhizome and roots and leaves come up as a clump - quite often there are one or two small ones tucked in among the roots and leaves. I then shake off the dirt. I manage to get 50-60 plants in a barrow which I then take down to the field. Takes me about 3/4 hour to replant a barrow load and Iā€™m hopeful theyā€™ve got all winter and spring to establish themselves.

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That would be wonderful! Angela sent us some cyclamen that are doing great, and the horseradish I dispatched seems to have survived! I will PM addressā€¦ :smiley:


Want any more? :smiley:

First frost this morning in south Vienne, beautiful blue sky, crisp and clear. Perfect for cutting some wood.

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Always in the market! But perhaps will collect them next year if we are up your way?

That would be lovely! It would be great to see you :smiley: (I imagine youā€™ll already have good wet weather gear :rofl: )

Todayā€™s cheerful news is ā€¦ itā€™s perishing outsideā€¦ and so cold that when one finally gets back indoorsā€¦ the house feels warm !!!
Despite not having CH on nor fire alight yetā€¦ 17C feels cosy :wink:


Sunny and 10 degrees here today.


And I see Adobe Photographers plan is down to Ā£69 for Black Friday on Amazon, making it the same price as an ā€˜upgradeā€™ on the other software I use. Much as I loathe the idea of subscription software and especially despise those who promote it, this is extraordinarily good value if you are a Lightroom or Photoshop user. The cloud-only version is even cheaper.

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I find a Turkish VPN and a Revolut card to be very helpful for Adobe subscriptions. It works out at a smidge over ā‚¬4 per month.

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SF is frequently problematic to view on the phone with Firefox. Opening it in Vivaldi browser instead seems to have completely solved the problem.

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And not just Adobeā€¦

Initially not good news followed by good news!

After waiting for car breakdown emergency services to get me a breakdown lorry, twice for my errant Clio, several taxis and a replacement car, over the last two weeks, I gave up late this afternoon on getting a much needed second replacement car. Time and food had run out.

I opened an online account with the local SuperU this evening and ordered enough shopping to be delivered in the morning to last me (and the cats & hedgehogs) several days and more, until my car has been repaired.

SuperU came to the rescue!


Too cold for me.

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Too cold for me in normal circumstancesā€¦ but when one comes out of 8C with biting windsā€¦ 17C feels wonderful :wink: :wink:

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I love Super U, have shopped with them for the past 34years and now at the small local shop which is more expensive but I have favourite products and I can walk to it if need be. Carrefour has turned out to be a big disappointment to me after using them down here, just not the same quality as SU for own brands. The little local one here which is like Aladdins cave with so much stuffed into it does not do drive nor deliveries.

Iā€™ve used SuperU for many years but not the delivery service. I ran out of food yesterday afternoon - I had porridge last night and the cats & hedgehogs had the last of the croquettes. Being without a car in the middle of nowhere I found a bit traumatic. But SuperU delivered at 9am this morning and all is well. The sun is shining, not in fact, but is shining for me and my lot this morning!


I drove my car to Super U this morning, first time since 21st September and no pain whatsoever when pressing pedals. I can dispense with the physio next week now, it did help though.