Any cheerful news today? (Nothing negative please! 🙂)

Thank you
It is our intention to do so :blush:

It’s a miracle.

I can see
I can see
I can see

My deteriorating eyesight has been fixed and I can once again read posts on Survive France!

(all done by a quick, easy and FREE operation - I simply increased the font size on my phone to Extra Large!)

The time to go to the optician may be approaching!


Can you now count your fingers in the dark :wink:


Good good news. Here 3 generations at my dad’s house near Montech before son leaves tomorrow for Hong-Kong.


Cheerful news, in respect that someone from UK, with a brand new Rolls Royce… is happy to shop at the Leclerc Hypermarché… at Perigueux… just like so many of us lesser mortals…

Seems Leclerc’s fame has spread across the sea… :+1:

It’s certainly my favourite of the big names…

Ah yes that was me - have to go to Leclerc on a Wednesday to get the best deals!


Welcome home!


and to round the day off… I’ve just had a request from a dear friend… who wants me to make some fig-free chocolate figs… :rofl:

A few weeks ago I bought some small cakes for our desserts from a local market stall. Half of them had figs in and the other half chocolate chips.

My wife does not like figs but just loves chocolate. I gave her one of the chocolate ones but told her they were all figs. She ate half of her cake and then gave up and, despite all my attempts to persuade her I was joking, did not eat another one. :astonished:

I love figs, and I love chocolate too. :grinning: :rofl: :rofl:


All in the mind.

I quite often don’t tell folk what is in my chocolate concoctions… and just let them enjoy…
(except for TT folk… I would never try to fool them… and always make some especially for those who want/prefer non-alcoholic…)

the fig-chocs are just that… and thus impossible to fool anyone. but I might try stuffing a chocolate shell with blitzed-figs… and see what happens.

My son started his new life as an apprentice! He will be sleeping there too so the house is suddenly very quiet - only the 6 year old left at home!!! He’ll still come home on his days off of course!


Today’s welcome home!


hopefully you get welcomed like this, every time… :hugs:

Yes and then some!


Our regular Praying Mantis has arrived on our terrace today…
fluttered across the neighbour’s garden, some 10ft below us … then swooped up into our Trumpet Vine.

Been waiting all summer, hoping that this strange year wouldn’t spoil the routine.

Of course, it’s come here to die… but that’s nature’s way…

Some year’s we must have a female visit us…
We’ll find an egg case over wintering somewhere on the garden furniture… fascinating to watch the little ones descend in spring…


Dogs life!


Today’s cheerful news is that, after much hesitation on my part, we have booked an overnight stop for our trip east.This means it’s a committed move and we are actually going to have our first “holiday” for more years than I can remember :smiley:

OK it’s only a week and it is because I have reached a horrible-to-contemplate birthday but it’s a big step for me, so I am pleased!


One of my pupster’s brothers has just qualified for Crufts 2022…:slightly_smiling_face:


Presumably it will need to be vaccinated against distemper and parvovirus.
Congratulations anyway.