Anyone else a gilet jaune?

On some election lists there is an interesting mixture of GJ and Melenchonites or RN or ex FN people. I have thought since they started that the GJ have a very dodgy extremist core manipulating lots of directionless unhappy people plus the destructive rentamob.


Both ourselves and our English friend in the next village have received recorded 'phone messages from Melenchon, although our French friends have not.
Are they targeting the Brits in the hope that they will vote for them and nit understand just how far they are on the left?

Possibly, though it may depend on what time of day it is, I am usually out all day but when I have been at home during the day I have had one, they don’t leave a message on the answering machine so if you are out you wouldn’t know.

I probably wouldn’t have bought a pen in the UK under similar circumstances.

I got a message this afternoon from someone representing “center & right”
I deleted it without listening a 2nd time.

So pleased I don’t have or need a landline!:sunglasses:

I like ephemera like this. If the pen bore a Gilet Jaune caption or slogan it might fetch a good price in RMB (Chinese Renminbi) at an auction of post-world-war-3 memorabilia.

I’ve kept the 11 novembre 2018 feuille I collected locally at the beginning of the campaign, and first learned the meaning of “Macron tu pompes” :joy:

Come the revolution it might turn out to be my get-out-of-jail card, who knows? :thinking::zipper_mouth_face:

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surely that very much depends on who controls matters post revolution Peter

Sure does, Graham, one certainly needs to hedge one’s bets. Must remember where I stored my foxed and faded copy of ‘Quotations of Chairman Mao-Tsetung’ I picked up in the Zambia Embassy of the PRC in 1971. :upside_down_face:

 your little red book?


Hole in one, Graham, you’re a living legend of prognostication, hope we are on the same side when push comes to shove! :confused::money_mouth_face:

That does say something about feeling pressurised.

This unacceptable criminal behaviour towards a government minister and her family has not yet warranted a response from the President of the Republic - What’s next, Rape and Murder?


Timewalker here having just returned from Planet Pluto! Needless to say I also am almost diametrically opposed to your world view, so we are in agreement on that much at least.
Again Dan, you really must stop trying to put words in my mouth. At no point have I denied anyone the right to publish their point of view - just my right to ignore it as moral cowardice.

I also question the accusation of moral cowardice to all politicians. There are many politicians that I find loathsome BECAUSE of their public utterances. Whether they are liars or not, shysters or not, I still prefer my enemy where I can see the bastard.
As examples Farage, Orban and Le Pen are disgusting human beings in my view,but I would never dream of stopping them spouting their (to me) tripe and even dangerous tripe. Whether they are truly commited to what they blather about is another thing, but at least they are in the open, and not hiding behind some ‘on-screeen name’ as one sees all too often on the internet and columns in the Press.

I have surprisingly perhaps, many friends and contacts with whom I am often virulently opposed, and you may recall that Brian Milne was one of them?

If the remark about us taking our ‘intellectual footballs with us’ was supposed to be some sort of insult, well sorry to say I find that a compliment having left secondary school at 15 - so do continue with similar ones so I can bask in them.

I would not presume to say why Brian left, but I left as I felt this site at that time was lacking interest, and again to me, stimulation. Similarly I left Facebook as the ‘selfie’ bit was as boring as Hell - even from people I knew as friends. That doesn’t mean I think Facebook or Twitter or whatever should be closed down, just that they do not stimulate me.
This time round, there are plenty of contributors I disagree with, and maybe that is the interest factor? There are a few who I wouldn’t really care to spend much time with on a personal basis and I am just as sure there are those who wll be cheering you from the wings in the attempted ‘put-downs’. I would be saddened to think everyone agreed with whatever I said.

As I have mentioned before Brian made one of the most profound statements I have ever heard in that ‘we are all creatures of our own experience’ - and Vive la DiffĂ©rence says I! I make no apologies in the fact that I miss him, and also Vic Evans another of my cantankerous online buddies.

This time around, I have found most people here now, have a wider view of life than from out of their own windows. I disagree with a lot of what is said - notably with my other old-time adversary Catharine.

So please keep the attacks coming - I enjoy them far better than I enjoy watching people kicking a football around - but then again I am an old Rugby Player, so that might be expected?

Yes, I got one also, but it was in French, so I don’t think it was aimed at Brits. However SWMBO is French, but she was away on holiday. Whatever the Campaign mode was, patently if didn’t do him a lot of good did it?

Trying to keep this a little on subject I have just been reviewing the Vote details in our village where The Greens came first, Le Pen and Macron tied on votes, and the rest came almost nowhere BUT there was ONE vote for the Gilets Jaune! I have a strong suspicion I know who that was - as only one car in our village still sports the vest on the dashboard!

Elementary my dear Watson?

Why am I an adversary?


And would also be interested in exactly what it is that I say that you disagree with? Would love to know


No answer was the stern reply!
Perhaps you might get one three months down the line.

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I think Norm was referring to Cat’s annoyance for the way he spelt her name in conversations, there I’ve answered for him.:grinning:

I think it is more the reverse Catherine - far more you disagreeing with me - not somuch this time round, but certainly in earlier times.

Anyway I wouldn’t get too perturbed about the word ‘adversary’ as it doesn’t mean necessarily pistols at dawn.

I use it is the sense of ‘having a contrary position’ which my substantial Websters Dictionary lists as one of several ways in which the word can be used. You presumably use it in the ‘hostile’ sense which is also on the list - notably under ‘legal’.

For me ‘contrary and hostile’ are measures of degree of differences, but then again I do not have the benefit of a higher education, so I am sure others will consider me an adversary in several levels on ‘contrariness’ .