Anyone else a gilet jaune?

Well done, this was indeed one of the things I had forgotten about. Catharine did indeed get very hostile at the time with me mispelling her name. My revised spelling was to ensure she saw that I had indeed corrected my presumably ‘hostile’ former error.

Jane. ‘No answer was the stern reply! Perhaps you might get one three months down the line’
surely jumping the gun just a little don’t you think?

Naff posts to start the day with - pffffffffff :roll_eyes:


Just following normal procedure.

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What is ‘normal procedure’ ?

I noted that the Gilet Jeune movement achieved 0.54% of the EU Election vote nationally. Will this be the end of them now?

Come on Simon mate, lighten up !!!


Trust me Norman, you’ve never yet experienced me being ‘hostile’.


The buggers are back!
Lets hope this doesn’t carry on as it did last winter…

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