At least I'll get ALD

My best wishes for a reversal too @JohnH , saying stay positive does not seem to cover it adequately, but it is necessary to try.

How lucky you were that you were careful enough to see the doc for what appeared to be something minor in the first place.

Do they just sit around and wait to see what pops up or do they go round looking, say, do they now feed you through a whole body scanner or take more tests?

btw how does this Gleason scale work? What is its range?

Yes, some chemo does leave you feeling prostrate.


It goes from 6-10 though, confusingly, 7 is split into 2 levels.

Sorry to hear that, @JohnH.

You know what I’m continuing to do.

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Oh bummer John, sorry to hear that news. Fingers crossed for you x

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Bon courage, all good wishes to you.

Positive vibes and at least you’re in the best place for managing it!

So, hypothetically speaking, if I had to pay for my own radiotherapy, does anyone have an idea of what a session might cost?

I’m not in that place yet, I’m just wargaming my options for retirement at the end of the year.

Nothing. You would join the health aystem in your own right and cancer treatments arr covered 100% by socisl security

I’ve just discovered this thread John and I’m sorry to read your news. I’m sure it’s a worrying time for you. For what it’s worth, all us boys will end up with a touch of it.

Over the last ten years I’ve had at least three close friends battle the disease using different mixtures of therapies, all successfully. The first was one of my best pals in 2013, his was rather a bad case but he’s still going strong and the latest news from the oncologist is very positive.

The first time I ever even thought about the illness was when I read this article in Fortune in 1996. Gove, an engineer, approached the “problem” logically and beat it. Treatment has improved so much since those days, I’m sure you’ll beat it too. Best wishes.

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Unfortunately, my situation is a little more complex as my current arrangements are under an S1 as a posted worker. When I retire, I lose my S1 and my Titre de SĂ©jour SpĂ©ciale so I need to apply for a Carte de SĂ©jour and reapply to CPAM, not to forget private health insurance which won’t cover my condition. In other words, I’ll have a period where I won’t have cover for cancer treatment.

Don’t get me wrong, it might not be an issue, and I’ll find out next month if the odds are looking in my favour, but it’s niggling at me.

Thanks, though it’s rather more than a touch here, and hopefully it’s gone thanks to the robot :joy:

I’ll have a read of that.


Good luck with this John.

As a holder of a titre de sĂ©jour spĂ©cial, I know what you’re talking about.

I have Irish colleagues who retired August 2023 and their British spouses have been trying to get ordinary residence permits.
At first they tried to get WARPs, based on a note verbale from the MAE. No joy.
So then they tried the spouse-of-an-EU-national route. They’re still waiting for residence permits.
Fortunately for them, none of them needed to join the SĂ©cu (PUMA) based on « critĂšre de rĂ©sidence ». Just as well because - as you’ve probably noticed - to do so, you have to produce your carte de sĂ©jour.

Hopefully your Prefecture is more efficient than ours and you won’t have to wait a year for a permit.

Uh oh, I was banking on that. Wonder if it’s better to just go directly to the EU spouse route.

Wishing you a a speedy and painless return to peak health. We are all 100% behind you! (So to speak.)

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Sorry to hear that and very best wishes for a speedy recovery to being fighting fit again.

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It depends very much on your local Prefecture. Ours is awful.
If possible, you could ask them about the WARP route and if they start scratching their heads or trying to get you to apply for « admission exceptionnelle », give up and go straight to Plan B (spouse of an EU national).

Hoping for that

With most cartes you are allowed to start the renewal process I think between 2 and 4 months before expiry. But since you can’t renew the TdSS if retiring I wonder at what point you can start the process to get different one? Since you are eligible for WARP /EU spouse now might it be worth trying to get into a prĂ©fecture to ask how soon they would accept a NEW application given your circumstances?

And do you have a CV already? Or not allowed one?

I’ve sent an email asking this very question and they were going to reply within 5 days. Needless to say they haven’t but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt since it’s summer.