Avis d' Impot - 20P

Have you received your Avis this year ??

If so, even if it is zero - do take a look at the figures on the back.

My sources tell me that many folk made mistakes due to the new system.

Did you “tick” box 20P or did you miss it ??? (just think about it and check your figures.)

Of course, 20P does not apply to everyone but, if you notice something amiss or unusual on the breakdown of figures from the Impots people - then go and speak with your Local Office.

(For many people 20P works in their favour and they might be due a refund of some sort… due to deductions at source on investment income etc)


Checked ours online yesterday and we did indeed forget to tick 20P. We will be going to the tax office tomorrow to sort it out. Definitely seem to be paying more than we expected.

When I hear what might be “useful snippets” I like to pass them on.

Hope this 20P will help you - please let us know how you get on. :thinking::upside_down_face:

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Will do, thanks.

Ok call me thick. 1 is it 20 P or 2 OP ? 2nd is that on the Avis or on the original blue or red forms? And 3rd where exactly ?

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Cheers Graham… on the Declaration form this year.

2 OP (cochez)
Vous optez pour l’imposition au barème de l’ensemble de vos revenus de capitaux mobiliers (rubrique 2) et de vos gains de cession de valeurs mobilières (rubrique 3)

and if its not clear from the graphic, its page 3 on form 2042

Thank you.

All sorted in a couple of minutes. She also said that lots of people had made the same mistake. Made us feel a bit better anyway.

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Ok found it , translated it, read it. Still don’t understand it!! Is it only to do with CGT or have I not understood correctly?

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This is from the impots site,

Daft question, perhaps. I signed a mandate for monthly prélèvements to pay my impôt sur le revenu last July (2018), all has worked smoothly. I even got a refund (don’t tell on me!). :roll_eyes::grinning:

I’ve received my avis for the coming year, but do I have to actively renew the mandate every year or is it good to continue without further action by me?

There has been no change of personal circumstances or bank details in the interim. But the online information doesn’t seem clear about this, and I don’t want to fall foul of the system.

Hi Peter.

Once you’ve handed over your bank details, that is it. Should your bank details change, then you would need to send a new RIB. :wink:

Got my written confirmation this morning. The “corrections” (2OP etc) I made to my Declaration, online on 26th August, have been accepted and I shall be getting a refund… yippee.

Seems it is not only Brits who did not understand (or even notice) the 2OP bit.

Many French folk have been up-in-arms at finding themselves paying too much through either crossing the 2OP box … or NOT crossing it.

Still not sure whether it was an easy mistake to make or not? Any way in our case putting it right more than halved our bill :clinking_glasses:

I don’t understand it either.

Me too, have read through the thread twice and none the wiser.
I see on my Impots personal space that my 2019 declaration For year 2018 is marked as can currently be corrected if I feel it is incorrect but all the figures seem to correlate with my original submission by my accountant.
So what does this 20P box a actually do and is it relevant to only certain circumstances?

Box 2OP is allowing a choice:

For a High Tax Payer (paying who knows what, 20,30,40… 60%) IGNORING the 2OP box = gets their bit of French Investment Income charged at a basic 12.8% (and a few other bits) at source, regardless of the higher percentages which their Gobal Income attracts. So they win because the Investment Income is dealt with separately.

For someone on low income, possibly zero tax - “CHOOSING” 2OP allows any French Investment Income to be grouped with normal income and taxed as one lot and could still mean zero… so the blanket 12.8% etc which is deducted at source - is then refunded by the Tax Folk - yippee

This is a rough outline of it, as I understand it.

The Tax lady did say that many Foreigners do not have investments in France, so 20P does not need to worry them.

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