Beauty and real men

ah for my the rice is the key, good arborio or carnarolo rice is way too expensive but I get the same creaminess (I can't eat cream or butter - makes me ill!) with ordinary round rice. onion chopped very finely with the trusty mezzaluna (far easier than a knife for a novice!) get them going in a whole load of olive oil, throw in the lardons, add the rice so it absorbs a little of the oil etc and then in goes just enough stock to get it going (thank you Maggi...) and then I'm set for 20 + minutes of constant stirring and adding the stock bit by bit. But it's worth it and the kids love it too!

My other is pasta arrabiata, olive oil and a chopped up dried chilly pepper from my garden warmed in the pan, lardons if I want some meat too, and then throw in the pasta that is just al dente, spaghetti being my all time favourite but penne or anything else will do, give it a good stir to get it covered in all that lovely spicy hot olive oil and serve straight away, miam miam ;-)

We are both chefs but end up cooking almost all the meals...

EXCEPT for dinner parties and clients;

Men do like to show their skills.

AH Rissoto which type Andrew...hope that you use a good stock?

@ Tracy - where can I get one of those please?

My OH is one of the most beautiful, he does most of the shopping and most of the cooking! ymmmm---

and i'm cooking risotto, one of my specialities...! ;-)

Shelia it is great to see the men cleaning....why not?

The sight of my OH doing the ironing comes close, Nick!

Right off to seduce my OH - by cleaning the kitchen. It doesn't get much more romantic than that does it?

excellent, both Christine and Nick.

One of my French mates had on their fb

Real men don't seduce lots of women, They seduce the same woman often.

Isn't that great?

we will meet up next time Barbara - and to you Andrew - I'm not hard work at all -

Well Andrew it is good to know that there are real men in the world.

And just look at some of those botoxed beauties ....especially the ones who are married

to their grandpas wealth class mate in Dallas.

Not so much of that over this way Christine but you would be suprised to

get a line up of my friends and aquantances in the Land of 2 rivers.

Shame we did not meet up...

But we were both busy doing something else.

oh so true Barbara, not saying this applies to all beautiful women but many are just such hard work, the person is far more important, yes a bloke is saying that ;-)

just love this - xx