Bloody hell!

Hi Teresa, I deliberately did not highlight any country, but of course you are right, and I was amused by my own memories in the Gulf States, which although gnerally ‘moderate’ this is only 'in relation to others like Saudi and Kuwait who re about as intolerant as any country.
Just to show my own intolerance, I find the USA religious ‘beliefs’ to be extreme and more bigoted than even Saudi or Kuwait and add the racism factor (which does not appear at all in Islam). Many (most?) Americans are total hypocrites by any humanist measure. Across the board there is but one ‘real’ religion which is the worship of Mammon. You simply do not see this in any other Nation. Many even most Americans do not respect the planet, animal welfare, human rights. Nowhere is pornography, drug taking and on-street violence more prevalent - yet this is the ‘Land of the Free’?

Now for the admission, and awaited flak.

I have never visited nor wanted to visit the USA. For me Trump represents America, and obviously millions of American agree with me. Think Trump - think USA and its values.
In all my travels I have never met a single American who within five minutes was not talking about money. *NB I also handled the American Express Direct Marketing business across the whole of the Middle East so I was not exactly detached from their views and values.

I am sure there are delightful, genuine Americans. My wife was an au-pair in Chicago, so she should know, but sorry I remain totally unconvinced of the good will or good intent of the Americans unless there is money to be made. At least this made them easy to understand, if not to like.

I too would happily have chosen any Arab State (moderate or otherwise) rather than set foot in America.

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Americans are friendly, generous and welcoming and many do care about the planet, Trump may represent the USA but he is not representative of the average American.


Norman… if you have never met sincere, friendly caring Americans - of course you may find it difficult/impossible to imagine they exist. However, I can assure you that they do exist - and they detest Trump - and some of them are arriving in my village tomorrow for their annual holiday . Yippee.:hugs:


We do have some very lovely American friends who are very like us in views/ outlook. When we visited them their daughter wanted to take ours to see the town where she used to live but her parents refused on the basis there was too much risk from guns! They live in Michigan.
Our nephew lives in California with his American wife. The second day there we saw the police pointing guns at two McDonald’s customers in the car park. Who knew stealing a quarter pounder was so serious! Really though it was an eye opener.

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I bow to your esteemed wisdom and correction

Only by name not by nature. They wouldnt do that in any Muslim dominated country (at the risk of severe punishments) A female friend of mine lived and worked 15 years in the middle east (Jordan and SA) and i can assure all on here, it wasnt a joyride, the views expressed here by some posters would be very quickly dissipated when they heard and seen some of the escapades. Moderate my posterior

Really Thomas ? That comes across as not very nice - although it could be just silly old me being sensitive :wink:


Simon - I read it as Thomas giving credit where credit is due… and credit is certainly due to Vero - who gives us the benefit of her wide experience on various subjects (especially Education).

Actually, I’ve just had a flash - Thomas bowing low in deference and Vero towering over him with a blackboard rubber ready to throw at him if he gives her any lip … :upside_down_face::rofl::grin::joy:

OK - I got it wrong then - my apologies @anon18867529

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I’d love to be able to tower over anyone, alas I cannot. I have never had any need to threaten anyone though, all my lycéens are good little children :grin:.

Well, the image flashed into my mind and made me chuckle… :hugs:

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[quote=“Sytky, post:45, topic:26010, full:true”]
I bow to your esteemed wisdom and correction

It is interesting to read your views on Islam and Muslim countries - I have lived in only 3 so far, Syria, Egypt and Pakistan, and in India which has a sizeable Muslim minority.


Simon there is no need to apologise, i dont take offence nor prisoners either.

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Jeez the mind boggles. But i was never the teachers pet, so things wont change in the future.

Whilst he may not represent the average American, he represents a great deal of them with his America First policy.
It is reflected in the Brexit movement in the UK.
Trump’s way of saying things and denying it is also reflected in Boris Johnson, who is the only Tory Leader candidate not signed up to a tv debate.


Just saw Johnson’s hunkered-down, scrunched-up and shrivelled demeanour on TV as he responded to questions about the blue-on-blue debate on BBC next week.

The man look shit-scared of being caught out with his lies and evasions.

The image should feature widely on any future election publicity, let’s see the cringing bombast in his true colours.


Haha!!! Wait, you’re joking, right? It’s so hilarious because many Americans have extreme prejudiced views of Brits as well. No need to go into detail, but honestly, I think humanity would be better served if we all tried a bit harder not to judge cultures, countries, colors, races, religious beliefs, etc. Generalizations tend to be founded in ignorance and are not constructive!
I’m starting to wonder, is this site a British ex-pat only club or are other people welcome? Uhh-ohh

Good grief… Patricia… you are presumably as house-bound as the majority of those in France… and passing the time trawling through aged stuff… :crazy_face: :grinning:

the forum has loads of themes etc… take another look and I’m sure you’ll find something more to your liking… :wink: :grinning: :upside_down_face:

It caters for anyone but I should think the demographic of anglophone French full- or part-time residents is fairly heavily biased towards British people.

I’m here in Vosges (Grand Est) at the moment, but I moved to France permanently in January. We came to this old spa town hoping to chillax for a couple weeks but now we’re two out of five people and 2 dogs in this entire hotel, which is officially closed. Yup kinda bored like everyone else must certainly be. In my old town in the US, the lockdown is just a suggestion that many people seem to be ignoring. So have to do something to work off all this food! Yoga! Have a nice evening!