Brexit Vote, what next!

Oh please. Give me a break. Momentum is a centre left grass roots campaigning organisation. For some reason it terrifies the right wing. Probably because most of their support comes from people who have already passed or are about to.

Is it really such a disgrace to want decent working conditions and renumeration?? That is what is at the crux of it. I don’t think there is anything remotely disgraceful about being a part of Momentum.

FWIW I think Labour would do better under a different leader but ridiculous accusations of terrorism are laughable.

Anywhere else in Europe Labour party policy would be seen as centre left not rabid communism. But thanks largely to its dismal press many in the UK are gluttons for punishment and seem eager to sign up for a life of servitude and immiseration.


Everett’s cess-pool 'humour’was Thatcher’s equivalent of Julius Streicher’s heroic populist tabloid “Der Stürmer”


Both Streicher and Everett are IMO fortunately for the world seriously defunct, although their stench still hangs around to remind us of their putrid contribution to human affairs.

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But I’m not (burning my ballot paper).

I will either vote with my preferred party or, more likely as they are a distant 3rd in my constituency, look at signing up with voteswap.

I suppose it depends upon where you stand politically, but to me Momentum is the left equivalent of the ERG Group.
With the resignations and standing down of centrist MP’s from both parties, all saying that their party is no longer the party they joined, it is emphasising that not just Brexit is polarising the British political scene, but mainstream politics too.

I suppose it does, Jane, and I am not at all ashamed of mine, and quite used to defamatory slander of the tired old "reds-under-the-bed’ variety from the same old sources, who fear the tide of social justice that will sweep them aside, and sooner than maybe.

BTW Momentum is a free grassroots association of volunteers from all walks of life and all geographical points. The ERG is a cabal of members of a political elite, backed up by secretive offshore billionaires.

Follow the Trumpian line if you want to, I shan’t try to persuade you otherwise.

Oh come on guys and gals, there must be one of you who thinks that Kenny Everett’s call for a frail elderly socialist politician and renowned intellectual scholar to be pushed off balance to the unyielding pavement was just a harmless knockabout joke, and we should “get a life”?

It had the creme-de-la-creme of Tory finest on their feet and stomping for more!

Let’s hope Boris Johnson can breath a bit of this ‘Nürnberg spirit’ into some of his rallies on the stump this time round, he’s got the ‘charisma’ to rouse the troops, I’m sure.

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Your words of hope and encouragement are very precious, Geof, and will I’m sure have resonance for many, especially the young, in whom I have great confidence, and hope, that the choke-hold of unfettered international bandit-capitalism will be forever removed from their throats.

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I really couldn’t comment :zipper_mouth_face: I wasn’t allowed to watch Kenny Everett even though apparently everything he did was done in the best possible taste!


To be fair a joke from nearly 40 years ago,by a comedian who wasn’t particularly funny even then, isn’t going to get a strong response

I personally couldn’t stand Kenny Everett. I didn’t find his humour funny but each to their own of course.

He occasionally came into a pub i frequented in Staplehurst, Kent. Usually with a tall woman who was on his show. They were always very quiet…no jokes…everything in the best possible taste…

Especially Hot Gossip👄

Sadly, they didn’t tag along :lipstick:

He was somewhat famously gay in later years, though married when he was 25 he divorced in 1984.

He was certainly an acquired taste but very talented.

I loved his solution to the London (or any city I expect) parking problem.

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I’m guessing you mean this :rofl:


Cleo Rocos was his regular ‘sidekick’


Yep, that’s the one, I’d forgotten her name.

Peter, your much vaunted praise of Russia, which has been proven to be interfering in the democratic procedures of western elections only goes to show your true belief.
It is not a tired reds under the beds, they are trying to get in to that bed.
Why did you not choose to retire to Russia if you are so keen on its policies and aims?

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I’m certain I’ve mentioned this previously, but my own view is that there comes a point where it stops being about money, & starts being about people…the Tories have proved (imo) that they really don’t give a flying fuck about anyone but their own…& if people slavishly vote for less tax, fewer foreigners, more say in their future, & all the other Tory bullshit, they’ll get what they deserve…but not necessarily what they want, or vote for.
By all means sell off the NHS ; turn the UK into a haven tax dodgers etc. ; destroy food quality standards.
Why not go for yet more, & yet greater austerity…why not 100k more deaths…why not dispense with helping the less fortunate altogether ?
How anyone can vote fucking Tory, with any conscience is beyond…maybe JC’s a muppet ; I don’t know, or indeed fucking care anymore…the main aim should be to stop a regime that causes the death of its own citizens…