British Embassy Outreach event

Well they didn’t answer mine - I asked Jane’s about Winter Fuel payments!

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@AngelaR …well thanks for the link, finally got to connect three mins before the end…so didn’t get to even try the question.
From what you said seems a bit of a none event, and wondered if the Sept one will be the same.?
Was there any information of interest or importance?
Specifically about driving licences

There were only 2 points I thought were useful. One was about driving licences in that they suggested that people ordered a D737 as requested but while waiting for that to arrive, you can submit the application with the “easily obtained” check code from DVLA instead. Sometimes it’s accepted and sometimes it isn’t but you don’t lose anything by trying.

The other point was about CdS - the Interior Ministry has been pushing the prefectures to process applications chronologically instead of by other criteria (which may explain why Manche Prefecture is now dealing with early applications). Also, the Interior Ministry has published a link to use if there is an unusual delay in the production of cards after the interview has happened. Did you hear that @andyw ?

Now - I’m off outside with a glass of something chilled…

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According to the information in the Facebook group, which can be more reliable than the Embassy, it is only valid for driving in France.

I did this in anticipation of being asked to submit D737, and a recently dated Birth Cert’ …still awaiting this request. After a week of persistent calling DVLA finally placed request on 30th June and it arrived on 19th July…sent 2nd class which DVLA say is normal policy…so about three weeks from order.
Big unknown is whether ANTS will require actual CdeS or the attestation received when submitting the application. If the former it will make mockery for many people whose UK licences have or soon will (me) expire.

I suppose you could feign innocence and say as French licence is valid for visitors to UK it reasonable to assume the attestation which allows you to drive in France then why not valid in UK.
But given infection rates and that EU vacinations still require 10 day quarantine don’t think we will be seeing white cliffs on Dover anytime soon.

As far as I can see, ANTS doesn’t require a CdS at all! I’m puzzled about that one…

I agree with @AngelaR on the only useful 2 points being those Angela’s mentioned above.

They dodged the question as to with these delays to swap to French driving licence is your expired British licence+attestation of having applied for swap, valid in other European countries. The answer was "that’s for them (any other EU country you might need to drive in) to decide. A mighty fudge that basically hung everyone with an expired British licence out to dry.

IME car hire companies in Europe are demanding about licences being in date. Plus IME French organisations always refused an expired document as identification even if its purpose was nothing to do with driving, say, if it was a licence being produced for something else. Even if it had a photo and your address.

On the D737 this seemed almost like new information to them and there was no mention about people also being asked for birth certificates. They didn:t mention the DVLA website as another wsy of requesting one.

On the silly new requirement for fully vaccinated people entering the UK from France having to quarantine, it was clear our UK officials based in France also know it’s rubbish but have an intractable government to represent. I am certain lots of the questions mentioned the UK took data only applying only to a small French Overseas Territory 8000 km away from the mainland. But the team dodged it when they knew they had questions asked today mentioning this.

Without prompting, the team went out of their way to mention that France now accepts the UK NHS vacconation proofs and they were hopeful for the future for reciprocal recognition. So clearly there is something that might change the UK’s refusal to recognise the combined vaccination certificate of 22 countries ie the EU pass in the pipeline.

I felt the whole thing was addressed to people who hadn’t yet applied for WA CdS and driving licence swaps. I would like to see more emphasis next time on who to contact when you’ve done those things and not hearing back not just promises to put who to call or email on chat.

Also other than Philippa who tends to cover different situations in her answers to the same question, several of the other answers did not cover all the likely situations (eg posted worker was covered for which country provides your EHIC but frontier worker (the flip side situation) was not.

Let’s hope the Embassy Team get a restorative break in August and come back renewed in September to give us “who in France and at the Embassy/Comsulate can we contact when we struggle with delays on essential things we are compelled to do in France” as the 1st October deadline to receive CdS rapidly approaches.

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I thought that was delayed by a month… ??? or was I on another planet… :wink:

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Wasn’t it the application delay that was pushed back a month? TBH I’m one of the lucky ones with my CDS tucked away safely so I didn’t really pay much attention, but I’m pretty sure I read that there was an extension on the delay to apply… @toryroo can you shed any light please?

They have extended the application process for those that have a reason for not getting it in in time and are leaving the portal open until the 30/09. They have not extended the 01/10 date for having the car at this point.

I wonder if @anon65742194 has applied yet and if he has not what reason for the late application he will put in the comments.

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Probably that no one advised him too :crazy_face::wink::grin:.

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Morning Angela,

Off to the Marie this afternoon, but do you know where I can access the link, just in case ?

Fount of knowledge


Friend of ours…lived here 26 years and still has uk paper licence was two weeks ago asked for a birth cert’ dated within last three months


wouldn’t worry about the October deadline providing you have done what is required, you can’t be blamed or penalised just because a Prefecture couldn’t process the paperwork in time

Can somebody please paste the link to book for the September webinar when it is available…

When does your licence expire…mine in 30 days, I’ve recently had email saying they will contact me i they want additional information which I believe to be the D737 and Birth C which i have ready…but I don’t now hold up much hope of avoiding a period off the road.

Have hope…30 days might get your attestation so you can keep going.

If not hire a sans permis and start for the UK way before your grandchild is due so you get there in time.


They said that the Interior Ministry wanted to know about delays such as yours and that we could contact them on a specific link on the Ministry site. They said it would be put in the “chat” for the Embassy meeting. I took a copy of the chat - needless to say there was no reference to anything beyond “how to contact your prefecture” which we already know is a waste of time for Manche.

I shall have a hunt on the Interior Ministry site…


Good thought. Would a sans permis work in the same way as in France. I have my doubts.