British Embassy Outreach event

Who has HM Ambassador’s phone number to ask…or even Lizzey’s to ask!!

The next British Embassy Outreach Meeting is 20 July.
Link to join is below.

Whoever manages the admin at the embassy is clearly having a bad day/month/year, everything seems out of date on the site.


That’s appropriate as everything seems to be about 150 years out-of-date on the UK government…


Thanks very much @ChrisM - I’ve now signed up.
I’m also tagging @strudball since he asked the question before :smiley:


Thanks Chris,

Thought they had given up.


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Andy, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if they had considered giving up…:wink:

Thanks very much, I like to join in

John, yeah, I’m not sure if they are testing to see how far we’ll search for the easter eggs to find out about these services; we’ll see how tough it is to find info about August’s (if it’s not cancelled for Summer).

No Rotten Boroughs are flourishing.

Let us know if there is any interesting outcome please.

Will do but don’t hold your breath, Jane…

Any body on this now …i have not received a link though had ticket confirmed?

Yes - I am

Perhaps you can ask why since the Covid is in principally La Mayotte and Reunion the UK government is saying that the whole of France is infected with the Beta variant?
Could you please ask if they are using the same data that they used to cheat us of our WFP?
Don’t let them get away with saying they will investigate, say you need an answer now.

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They’ve already looked at that question and dismissed it. Standard government stuff about “following the science”

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@AngelaR …what is the link?

Joined late, and seems they don’t have enough questions tonight!?

Not best pleased as I came home early today to join…I am keen to know if the driving licence attestation sent whilst application is being processed will be acceptable in UK as my licence runs out in four weeks and I want to drive in UK in Sept. Maybe you might try and ask.

I bet you’re not pleased. They actually wound the whole thing up early without answering the question I asked…