British Embassy Outreach event

Re residency application - there is a scrolling banner across the top repeating that the deadline remains 30th June!

If you want a fun anniversary event, this is much better!

75 years of the COI

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That’s MUCH better, Jane.The Embassy one was a bit like a very boring early dungeons and dragons game… “explore” each room, click on icons which either don’t work or show you things you already know or show you things you wouldn’t want to know… That’s me done - now where’s the wine :smiley:

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Clear they will carry on refusing to accept a licence swap application uf your UK licence is still valid. This will be their way of spreading the load? by effectively forcing a queue to to enter the queue.

Priority seems to be

(1) anyone whose UK licence has expired. Those people still have to wait to receive an attestation - ie confirmation that they have applied. They can then drive with the attestation until they receive the French licence. I’m guessing this means another 4-6 weeks to start receiving attestations.

(2) 2nd priority appears to be anyone with a licence issued from 1st January 2021. If such a person becomes resident they have only 12 months from the date of issuance of their residence permit to apply for and receive the French licence

(3) No priority at all for anyone whose licence was issued up till 31st December 2020 so long as the person’s licence is still within its issued validity period. As these licences are valid till expiry.

Not stated but clear any application to swop a UK licence issued 2020 or earlier will be refused to be handled so long as it’s got more than ‘x’ (small number of) months until expiry.

No clear answer given what if you need to drive in other EU countries if your UK licence is not recognised. The hint was 'we can’t say, you will have to check at your time of travel but likely in another EU country you would be a tourist and so likely less of a problem (my interpretation based on the sequence of questions in the second video).

Karen check out my post on driving licences exchange


Re D/L think Amvsssadorv was very clear and we couldn’t have wished for more…just as long as it doesn’t get bogged down in ANTS processing world

Actaully I thought he was very woolly! No detail … “to come later”…

The chat room is rubbish, as far as i can tell they aren’t chatting their end!

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Could not agree more John

Have you given up too, Andy? :smiley:
(Wonder if anyone spotted that I left in the middle of the national anthem…)

Its quite sad that most people are taking a half glass empty approach - I actually thought that it was a very good event. Driving licences - quite clear - and of course the detail next week - but, they have been under some pressure to get the news out. Why not wait and see how it turns out? The carte de sejour system worked very well with the acknowledgement of the application being the attestation - so it seems that this is following a similar pattern.
Look on the positives…

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You are clearly a modern (young?) person Yogesh - I am not at all comfortable with “events” like that and loathed it. Yes, the information re driving licences was useful but for those of us who are about to be unable to drive shortly, and have already waited, in some cases for years, to get the licences exchanged I don’t think it is a “half empty” approach to be concerned as to how long we’ll have to wait to be able to drive legally.
I hasten to say that I am NOT in any way criticising the French government who have, in my view, bent over backwards to accommodate us with very little incentive. I am grateful to be here and grateful for everything they have given us. If I am expressing negativity, it is because my life has been badly damaged over the past 5 years by Brexit and it is still ongoing.

End of rant - sorry :smiley:

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63 is still young, so that’s nice, modern? Not sure what that means. I’m a new resident, running away from the Brexit mess and so far, things have gone smoothly as far as the carte de sejour and CPAM have gone. I do appreciate the anxiety that has been experienced by lots of people, but, it’s good to have a positive outlook.


Of course it is (and in my view, unfortunately, you are definitely still young!). I do try to be positive and my process hasn’t been too bad either, although a struggle at times. Some people have had problems with CPAM but I haven’t largely and I’m reasonably confident that the carte de sejour will arrive eventually, butany dealings I’ve had with ANTS have been an utter nightmare. No-one is rude or anything but they are massively overwhelmed because of the enforced centralisation a few years back. I can possibly afford a sans permit car to be able to get about locally but it’s not ideal.

End of rant - sorry

@AngelaR @ykm71 . Agree with you both, the D/l was well delivered and clear, and big relief as my licence expires in 7 weeks…and Brexit is making life difficult and takes some of the shine of France at the moment…note I said Brexit has , not the way French gov’ have responded which has been fine,

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Anyone know the date and have a link for next outreach event?

Are they even bothering?

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I thought that there was a July one but not August…but can’t find the link

Still trying to get over the ‘excitement’ of the ‘party’ probably :laughing:


That’s what I was thinking. They didn’t have a June one because of that and there’s no mention on any of their sites/FB that I can see of there being one in July - or ever come to that :rofl:

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