British mountain biker shot dead by French hunter

Well i believe the woman. What possible reason would she have to make such a thing up?


Whatever the allegations are against this man let’s not forget the ‘big picture’. The fact that once again someone was shot dead by a stray bullet fired during a hunt.
No one deserves to have their life taken from them by someone’s carlesness with an armed weapon. IMO this should be classed as manslaughter.


Unless they are named Trump, Asad, or Kardashian,

The 22 year-old hunter was kept in hospital
 suffering from shock. He could be charged with Manslaughter

No-one knows how the accident happened
 so let’s wait and see how this pans out.

Of course not John. I was talking about the problems we have here in France every hunting season. There should be more controls. For instance how about the ‘master’ of each local hunt checking that it’s members have not too freely inbibed before they set off ?
Maybe others on SF have suggestions of how they think the hunt should be staged/controlled.

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I thought the shooter was going to be charged with “aggravated manslaughter”?

Of course.

I think it’s still being investigated as aggravated manslaughter as opposed to him being charged yet

Well I feel very sorry for the 22 year old hunter as whatever the circumstances it was a terrible accident. I would hate to think a child of mine could end up in prison for many years for an accident.
Before everyone points out a man has died, yes, that is tragic but I hope the hunter will be shown some mercy.

He is - he’s being tried for manslaughter, not murder.

I have a little sympathy but not much (for the hunter involved) - I know that the hunt is an important, indeed unassailable, part of French life but people really need to understand that the pointy things that go bang are lethal.

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Aggravated manslaughter can mean prison for 20 years. I abhor guns and I’m not keen on hunting( although at least the French eat what they kill) but I hope the guy, if he wasn’t drunk, gets some leniency.

Whether he was a “nice guy” or not Mr Sutton has had rather more than 20 years cut off from his life by this incident.

I don’t exactly believe in “an eye for an eye” but, if found guilty any sentence has to take into account a man’s life was lost by inadvisable use of a lethal weapon.


I think hunters are way to close to the public
i see them alot in fields around our home.

The gun laws in California are what exactly

It seems entirely possible to me that this was indeed an accidental shooting. Mountain bikes are designed for off-road use so it is conveivable that the cyclist was travelling at speed across unmarked and unkown terrain for the fun, thrills and adventure that the sport promises, and the risks that its devotees will understand.

The young hunter could equally conceivably have]discharged his gun at what he thought was a legitimate prey breaking cover. I don’t think prey animals or birds are going to announce their presence to a hunter with a come-and-get-me pose in a clearing, in full sunlight, and wait for the ball to strike them.

One would imagine that a mountain-biker would know that it was open season, and know where hunting took place, if he was a countryman himself. Accidents do happen, and the consequences are tragic, but sometimes there is no one to blame, which is not to say that lessons can’t be learned by those willing to heed them

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Yet another ‘wild discharge’ by a hunter, thankfully no one was hurt this time.

It’s not even safe to be in your own home now !

When are the ‘masters’ of the hunt going to police their members ?

Not a hunter
 but still a youngster with a gun