Call for EU27 to confirm status of UK citizens

You’re a Good Sport @toryroo :+1::hugs::smiley:!

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France has again delayed the opening of the CdS website, GP will be beside himself with worry. :grinning:



If this is true I won’t be beside myself at all: a. because it doesn’t affect me any longer as I am retired; and b. it being deferred again was all too predictable.

I’ll just put up with the sniping on here, which is of no consequence at all and just demonstrates how seriously, or not, some people are taking this problem.

Best, Grahame.

Grahame Pigney

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Unless you are a citizen it will affect everyone not in that category, no exceptions.


Which category is that?

I have lived here for 22 years, self-supporting, registered with the tax and social security organisations and am entitled to a permanent CdS, as have my wife and son.

France cannot legally refuse us a permanent CdS according to national, EU and International law.

Grahame Pigney

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Well in that case PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop frigging going on about it.




What is it that you want me to “PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop frigging going on about it.”

Should I just be selfish as I am not personally affected, what about the rest of the people who are affected, let alone my family members who are affected?

Still looking for an answer from Jane.

Best, Grahame.

Grahame Pigney

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Aren’t you supposed to be a moderator - “A discussion moderator or debate moderator is a person whose role is to act as a neutral participant in a debate or discussion, holds participants to time limits and tries to keep them from straying off the topic of the questions being raised in the debate.”

Isn’t this this tolerance and moderation one of the fundamental characteristics of the “Survive France” forum?

Grahame Pigney

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ooops @cat naughty naughty :upside_down_face:

E[quote=“Graham_Lees, post:216, topic:31722, full:true”]

ooops @cat naughty naughty :upside_down_face:


Erm… Time for a ‘Pigney Views Matter!’ campaign… “Grahame Pigney. Say his name!”… ‘Get Catharine’ s (very moderate and reasonable) knee off our unruly necks! " protests off the blocks…?

Formez vos bataillons etc… :upside_down_face::grinning:

France ‘refusing’ to issue you and yours with a CDS. It’s been explained numerous times and by numerous posters, why this is not currently happening and your repeated use of the word ‘refusal’ in relation to your host country is getting extremely boring.


No I am not a ‘moderator’ and we don’t have ‘moderators’ on SF.

Straying is actively encouraged. It is what makes the threads interesting.

And by the way, my name is CathArine - quite important to note if you are going to take such a keen interest in my role. Thanks.


You will be exactly the same as the rest of us, if you have not yet applied for a CdS you will need to do so to enable you to stay legally in France.
If you already have one, then you just exchange it for one of the type which doesn’t include us as an EU citizen.


Exactly the case except in one minor detail @Jane_Williamson - he’s a Huguenot and they are a special case with 16th siècle rights over us mere mortals so he’s not affected :wink:
Or was it because he’s French (as he told @vero) :thinking:
Must be my age, I’ve lost count of the reasons… :roll_eyes:


Just had a letter telling me I’ve been French since August 12th!!! :champagne: :cocktail: :dancer:


Congratulations Amanda !!

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Thank you! Chuffed to bits.“Courage” to all those applying or waiting…

Wonderful! When did you apply?

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Had my interview in January 2019.

Wow that is a journey!