Calling all Budding Junior Photographers

Cor Val is giving our creative talent the right old run around. But we still love her.

you sure about this one Valerie?

Shutter Bugs? there's a nasty little anagram in there.... you know what kids are like!

I'll use it for something else..... waste not want not

you knew, Valerie, when you signed the pledge of allegiance there'd be tough decisions to make.

I thought Snap Dragons had more latitude ( graphically ) but your decision in this matter is FINAL and Binding... just hope you've made the right one, that's all.

Where's the Twerps Pics? You're on next.

R. Birks


Serves you right, lol.

Doh... just done a graphic for Whipper Snappers.

I was torn because I love 'whipper snappers' but made a point of finding the true definition and it repeatedly mentions 'unimportant' so I've erred towards Shutter Bugs (a shutterbug simply being an enthusiastic amateur photog which I think - or hope - they will be.

So Shutter Bugs it is, if no-one has any objections.

do we have names yet? for the Young section?

Oh excellent - where are the 4 for the juniors? If they're on the Online FB page I'll go take a look.

I think we need to do a shortlist and get the others to vote. It's probably between Whipper Snappers, Snap Dragons and Shutter Bugs for the young group. Judging by the images, we've already settled on ImageIn for the older ones!

Looking good guys and gals, looking good

I'd be happy to do the 'digital' and others section if you are happy to do the Young Set... do we have a name?

we have 4 offers already for the Junior Section


What about Studio 16-21? Sounds like a nightclub, ha!

I'm wondering if it would become complicated having additional sections devoted purely to smartphones, webcam shots or whatever device they use. At the beginning, there could be too few submissions to be able to divide them further than the two existing categories. It could evolve in the future if it takes off.

Sorry on mobile and not easy.
Photography from the Digital Generation

The digital generation Ron

we could keep with the Kids Photography as is... and devote a section too ' Smart Phone' pics.. so teens and others can submit. Articles on Apps etc?

Then I can keep the Graphic below.

I agree. Much clearer. Oy, Ron, what's with the picture of the telly on the next one...? Lol.

you're probably right Catharine... what would be a good generic term? Under 21s sounds a bit Football squad.