Calling all Budding Junior Photographers

Just about to proof out the Young Photographer's Page... still awaiting Yr pics.

email me on

You'll have to tell me where it is Ron, to have a butchers, cos my SFN email notifications went completely bonkers and I kept receiving one repeated message so couldn't read anything.

Bad girl, bad bad girl. But I love it - I think it's brilliant. Well done Ron!

yeah, but you've spoiled the ending now.

Because as soon as I read 'the bugs morph' I had a picture in my head of little black characters scurrying away in opposite directions. Love it.

how did you know?

Yep, good old film camera that you'd take to the shop to get your prints.

I love the animation idea!! What, all the little bugs scuttle away. Hysterical.

also...I am working on an animation where the word BUGS Morphs into Bugs...

The Typeface is a Trufont Face, it's called, from memory "B*gger Me!" Valerie.

If you have technical issues please contact the Administration.

When you say not computer compatible? is it a film Camera?

Yes, I've seen that typeface before but can't remember the name.

Anyhoooo, technical question - got some photos I took yonks ago on my lovely old Nikon but, of course, not computer compatible in the slightest so can't upload them. Do you think scanning would work, or destroy the clarity?

By the way, if I miss any of your posts, please don't yell at me - my notifications have gone berserk on Yahoo. It says 'Ron Birks replied to the discussion..." but when I click on it it's either blank or goes to a comment Catharine made in Writers, Bloggers. Has happened at least 12 times! Agggghhh.

The 'Bugs' word is a real typeface.... to me, the characters look like bugs.... but that could be my tired and weary eyeballs.

Ha ha ha, love the antenna on the camera. 'Bugs' not so easy to read but maybe that's my old, weary eyeballs.

all I was saying's gotta be right.... sounds good now... but when we get the first order for 20,000 Button Badges... Huh? hmm? what then....?

The Graphic designer's job, is take his clients' briefs and stick to them. That's the way it is.

It's in my genes.

So if you say, 'Shutter bugs' then Shutter Bugs ' it is...... any road I've done the logo now... see below.

Cheeky? Moi?

I have put forward a proposal for your so say Whipper Flippin' Snappers.

Please advise if it is to your taste.

Cheeky monkey. I was waiting for any more suggestions for names for the littluns group before deciding. How was I to know Ron was already taken with the name Whipper Snappers and had started designing? So, c'mon then, what would be your final vote?

A shutterbug is an enthusiastic amateur photographer which I what I hope the kids will become through the magazine. It's got positive connotations but if you think Shutter Bugs (cos they're the young variety) will be a bit challenging graphic-wise, then run with your Snap Dragons idea. I know you've already got some ideas racing around that mind of yours.

I'm more interested really in getting them enthusiastic about the mag and wanting to be involved in it. Where are the other 4 submissions by the way? I couldn't find them and am eager to see what's coming in.

Look.. the truth is I can't draw bugs.... some people have trouble with hands.

with me it's bugs. OK?

Nick, Valerie was elected to this board fairly, squarely and in strict accordance. she is bound to cause a few waves... until she's settled in.

NB I don't do the smiley face graphic ... it takes the edge of the humour.( it's a personal choice thing )