Can I still send tea bags from the UK to France?

Historically the Bretons are milk- and mead- and beer-drinkers and butter-eaters, where I come from on the Mediterranean coast we drink wine and cook with olive oil, milk comes from goats or sheep and is turned into cheese, we don’t drink it.


I normally drink 3 to 4 liters a day have done that since I was a teenager

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Tea or milk ? or beer :grin::grin::grin:

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When I was a little kid I had TB and had to drink a pint of full fat jersey milk a day… not including the horrible 1/3rd bottle of warm milk that had been sitting in the school playground all morning. I still shudder at the thought, and remember that greasy feeling inside my mouth. The idea of 4 litres is inconceivable …but you’re not going to get osteoporosis!

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I’m about the same, I have always primarily drank milk since a boy.

Haha milk

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I too am one of those heathens who likes “builders’ tea”, and I start my morning with a pot of good loose leaf Yorkshire tea. However, as I drink virtually nothing else all day (even in boiling heat I don’t like cold drinks, except alcoholic ones!) I stick to decaff teabags (loose leaf being horrendously expensive). I do like the fruit teas but they are not a proper cup of tea!
I have taken to using soya “milk” though, no yucky rancid taste and not spoiled by having to reheat in the microwave when I have forgotten I made it!

Yuck! Rich tea, worst biscuits ever! Agree on the digestives though.

I have not looked too carefully, but anyone looking for English tea might be interested, it’s flash sale so need to be quickish :woman_shrugging:

They come from UK, but no additional costs and only take a few days.
YT also available :coffee:

Have just placed an order tonight with British Corner Shop for various items we can’t find in our supermarkets. Most importantly is the 1,040 Yorkshire teabags as I’m down to my final box. It’s not cheap at just under fifty quid :see_no_evil: but it should keep me going for a while.

Our son has just posted 200 Yorkshire tea bags without a problem. Mixed in were 20 sachets of panacur wormer and 2 packets of Advocate flea treatment. Paul should be completely parasite free when he has a brew now. Curiously, the duty declaration said dog wormer and tea bags. No bother.
Recently I was sent packets of seeds and my friend declared those and no problems.

Hmmmm - I don’t think that is their normal tea blend, but there are times such a mix could be useful! (serve with milk or lemon?)

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You might woof it down but you would feel a little wuff after it and it might taste a little like bark :yum::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Were these declared as such…seeds here are ok, but i miss familiar varieties…our PV only has a limited range and online is second best.
Might get my daughter to get me s9me for autumn polytunnel planting

The largest Intermarché near us stocks PG Tips, TyPhoo and Yorkshire Tea, but it isn’t cheap.

PGT: €3.94 for 40
YT: €6.21 for 80
TYP: €5.21 for 80

The sickener was seeing one of the TyPhoo boxes marked £2.50…

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It’s worth a look at They have lots of tea as well as coffee. I definitely prefer my regular 100g of loose tea, plus P&P admittedly but I do order coffee at the same time. 50 cups at 2g per shot.

  • Thé noir en vrac Ceylan O.P. 100 g - Comptoir Français du Thé - 5€
  • Intermarché’s Tetley British Breakfast 55 sachets 110g - 2,91€

Yes, the 16 year old wrote in black biro: flower seeds. The fact they come from Holland in the first place…

Have you ever tried Turkish loose leaf tea ? I get it in 500g packets from a shop in town for €5. It’s very similar in taste to a pure Ceylon. Turkey is the largest consumer of tea in the world per capita and are a major exporter of black loose leaf tea. Here is the one I get only it’s much more expensive on Amazon

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That’s very interesting, @hairbear - I’m always interested in trying what teas are available here. The Amazon site says that the flavour is that of Earl Grey though… :thinking:

I may have linked to the wrong one. The one I buy definitely doesn’t taste like Earl Grey, but it does come in a yellow packet just like in the picture. There are 3 or four different ones in the shop I get it from.

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