Cat photos only

I don’t know if this applies for short term stays of UK cats. I imported Mickey from Germany to live in France permanently.

Probably best if we don’t put this load in the washing machine. :slight_smile:


About 3 weeks ago I was topping up the wild birds with fat balls sunflower seeds and mixed seed and came across a pure white kitten trying to eat the seed…! My immediate thought was “oh you poor little thing you must be starving to be eating bird seed…” :frowning:

So I put a few teaspoons of raw poultry carcass mince in my barn and watched…the kitten found it and ate every scrap so I fed it 4 times a day initially and continue to feed him 3 times a day…

He…because I’m kind of hoping he’s a He…and his face looks quite square…loves chicken carcass mince rabbit mince duck mince and beef gristle mince and is now looking much less thin and pointy and slow…

Wondering if he might be deaf…haven’t been able to get close enough to see what colour his eyes are…if they’re blue there would be quite a high possibility that he is deaf…:thinking:

Not sure what to do really…he’s probably the kitten of one of the neighbouring farm cats but I couldn’t allow my conscience to let him eat bird seed when I have a freezer full of assorted raw meats and bone for my Border Collies…

I’ve made him two shelters out of cardboard boxes and polystyrene with one having a fleece blanket in it…and put one in the open sided barn and the other in the closed barn…he can quite easily flit between the two as there’s a cat sized gap between wood and earth floor…:slightly_smiling_face:

This isn’t a great photo because It’s taken long distance and my phone is on its last legs…


Looking like you’re going to have a new logger & who can blame her / him when such a menu is on offer😻


I have a handsome visitor who has been coming for the past month or so - he is young, very affectionate and huge compared to my cat Daffodil aka The Orange One.


Looking like you’ve got a new cat too. :heart_eyes_cat:Soon be sleeping on your bed and feeling comme chez lui.


S/he may well be cautious because of your collies: mine really does not like the ones next door. Good luck and try to get a glimpse of the rear end :slight_smile:

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Poor you. How did this situation become about? Was it down to your vet? Hope it is all sorted now x

Antibody test shows he does not have the required level of anti rabies. Quarantine for 6 months he can stay at home, but can only go out on a lead. Monthly vet check and report to the prefecture, after 6 month another rabies vaccination.
He is getting very much used to walking on a lead, just me feeling silly standing next to a tree he decides to climb…


Glad he can stay at home at least. I hope you have a good week. :paw_prints::purple_heart:

He is fine, having a ball when we go outdoors - and he tries hard to sneak out on his own. Does not like the rain yet, but with all Norwegians, he will eventually just ignore any kind of weather.
Just like this one did


QED :grin:


He (maybe she) seems to have cottoned on quick to our daily routine here and the layout of the land…My Collies can’t go to the barn in the front garden without me as I have 1.5 m dog panels surrounding my conservatory to prevent them running onto the admittedly really quiet rural culdesac we live in…and to stop them chasing the post van…and tractors…and my girl from picking up hedgehogs…:grinning:

He doesn’t seem to stray far…last night I was out with them at 1.30 am on my field at the back of my house and he was in the bramble patch at the bottom…My Collies just watched him in my torch light climb the deer mesh and disappear into the cattle field but 10 minutes later he was back in my barn eating supper…

The night before I didn’t realise he was under my car on the front and when I went out the gate with them he just ran into the gap in the door on the closed side of the barn closely followed by my Collies who both put their noses to the gap…!

I would prefer he’s a male because if he was a female then I may end up with more kittens in the barn and more mouths to feed…which I don’t mind the cost of feeding them but don’t really want to encourage a feral cat colony…

I suppose if he was a she and had kittens in my barn then it would be easier to get all of them to a vet and to have her spayed and the kittens homed but at what point do you assume that a cat has no owner and lawfully assume responsibility for spay/neuter…:thinking:

He’s had breakfast lunch and supper again today and is once again on my driveway “hunting” leaves as I type…:grinning:

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Whichever s/he is, get him or her neutered, it is the kindest and most responsible thing to do. And the easiest for you in the long run.


He’s got you well trained & settling in nicely :smirk_cat:

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I have this in the back of my mind vero…even if he is a he then pretty soon he’ll be disappearing for days after females with all the risks he would encounter involved in that…main roads and scrapping with other males…

Need to gain his trust enough to get close enough to get him in a travel crate and off to the vet…

Maybe get him used to a cat basket by putting one in the barn with a towel or something in it and food nearby, and gradually bring it closer? That might make it easier.

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I’ve made him two shelters so far…one in the open side of the barn where I’ve been putting food so I can see what time he’s eating from my window…and one in the closed side…

I think he may be sleeping in the day in the shelter in the closed side of the barn because there were scratch marks on the polystyrene “runway” into the cardboard box…

I’ll try substituting this makeshift shelter for a cat travel basket…if I can shut the door on him while he’s sleeping then my vets are only 10 minutes away

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Fancy a bit of DIY?
Though I wouldn’t use glue. I’d use hinges for the door & screws for the door stops.
Alternatively, you could ask your local SPA or Mairie or even the vet if they have a cat trap/cage.


I would ask around: the chances are no-one wants it, though the fact it’s coming to you for food is no guide :smiley: If he is sleeping during the day, as you think, that would suggest it’s feral - or at least, never became accustomed to human hours. My cat would keep those hours too, if we let him, but he’d also be up and about in the day looking for humans to give him food!

If you can get close, you could catch it (using a towel) and take it to a vet to be scanned (or, if you have a friendly vet already, ask to borrow a scanner). In fact, Amazon sell scanners, though they’re about 40.

It sounds like things are progressing nicely, from a cat-lover’s point of view.

Additional thought: if you want to keep it, you could try sleeping with (or in) an old bit of cloth/blanket/shirt, which will pick up your scent. You can then put it near - or in - where it’s sleeping, to get it used to your scent.