Cat problem

The actress Dora Bryan inherited a cat living in a house she bought. It was a dilapidated place, the lekky was off, so very dark. Her friend who went with her to see the house said, “I can see something moving, dimly”

So it was named Dimly.


Fitted carpets? In France? How unusual. Could be the cat problem… difficult situation.
Try to let it be outside as much as possible as advised by others.
Be so sad to take it away from it’s home .
However you must do as you feel.
Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

It sounds like it might be a insecurity/territory issue - cats often ‘mark’ their territory by peeing and pooping when they are insecure and don’t feel like they have their own territory or feel like the Territory is threatened.
If you are planning on keeping it - visit to the vets first make sure there’s no medical issue and get them neutered if not, then give them some ‘territory’ in the house, as well as litter trays, cat furniture (cat trees) and beds - try and put them in the area that they mark most. Check out Jackson Galaxy on YouTube (or ‘my cat from hell’ if you have British TV) Not all cats are as solitary as people think, so it’s keeper leaving it was probably quite traumatic!

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