CdSejour On-line Portal, Info & Flow Chart 19 October '20 onwards

I just received my appointment this very afternoon in Albi…25th of May at 10.25.
I applied in February if memory serves.

Just been to Albi this morning to finalise my application.
Signed, fingerprinted in under 10 minutes.
Just one question however…
As I will have a 10 year card, I read that I’d be able to spend 5 years in UK if necessary.
This morning, when asked to confirm this, the young lady told me it was in fact 3 & not 5…
Can anyone confirm this ?

Sorry she is wrong, it is definitely 5! TCN CDS I believe it is only 2.

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Mine arrived today. Applied back in December and had the rdv mid-March. I was only expecting a 5 year card but have been given a 10 year one… not that I’m complaining :smiley:

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That’s very impressive, Gareth! You actually applied for a 5 year one then? How far short of 5 years residency were you?

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So I only get 2 ?!
Am I understanding this correctly?

No 5 years…you have a WARP 10 year card, not any old TCN card when it’s only 2 years.

Don’t say that Boris never did anything for you…

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Thank you Jane
I can breathe again

But fuck Boris !



Just one last thing Jane…
Could you possibly point me towards this information, with a link please?

I don’t know if all departments have this information but here in Cotes D’Armor if you go on the prefecture site it tells you where they are with the applications. In our case they are currently dealing with applications received between 11 November and 17 November. I am planning to keep an eye on this as if it doesn’t improve we won’t be seen until mid September.

Chapter VI article 21

Sous réserve des dispositions de l’article 28, un titre de séjour d’une durée de validité de dix ans portant la mention « Séjour permanent - Article 50 TUE/Article 18(1) Accord de retrait du Royaume-Uni de l’UE » est délivré de plein droit au ressortissant étranger mentionné aux 1° à 4° de l’article 3 s’il satisfait à l’une des conditions suivantes :
1° Il lui a été délivré, avant le 1er janvier 2021, un titre de séjour permanent en application de l’[article L. 122-1

2° Il a résidé en France pendant cinq années et y séjourne régulièrement conformément aux dispositions des articles 13 à 19.

En cas d’absence du territoire français pendant une période ne dépassant pas cinq années consécutives avant la fin de la période mentionnée à l’article 1er, le ressortissant étranger mentionné au présent article ne perd pas le bénéfice du droit au séjour permanent.


Thank you Jane…
I’d never have found it

Yes, I only applied for the 5 year version as I arrived here in May 2020 (I received the CdS on the anniversary of my arrival :smiley: ).

I previously lived in France many years ago though and funnily enough, during my meeting at the prefecture, I was asked to confirm that I’d arrived in France in September 2000… I corrected them and explained that I moved back to the UK and only moved back here last year, but I wonder if whoever was validating my documents also made the same mistake.

If I get asked about it I’m going to act dumb and pretend I hadn’t noticed :wink:

I think Dominic Cummings is going to do it for you today.


Interesting! I doubt if they’ll do that for me but it would be nice to think so… (and keeping quiet is a VERY good idea now that it’s official!)

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That’s interesting Diane! I’ve had a look at the Manche version but nothing on there at all, unfortunately. I’m not holding my breath but it is very concerning…

Cotes D’Armor seem to be behind most other places. We had emails in April saying

Votre demande de titre de séjour a été acceptée.
La préfecture des Côtes-d’Armor vous proposera un rendez-vous prochainement pour finaliser votre démarche (prise d’empreintes biométriques et photographie).
Nous vous invitons à patienter.

But still no rendez-vous!

Angela, early everyone gets 5 years…it’s only if you have already been here 5 years and can prove it that you get a 10 year card. The only shorter period if for unemployed people who just get 6 months.

That’s my current grumpy women beef. We cut down a small forest of trees to get our cards way back when. And now you can be here for a week at the end of 2020 provide a few bits of paper and get a 5 year card. And then, from what others say, it becomes automatic that in x years time you will get a permanent card with no extra hoops to jump through.

Jane it’s worse. A day would do if it’s 31Dec

No need for more salt!! I am trying to move on in peace and happiness, (especially to second home owners who are gaming the system…).

Although my blood pressure is low, so perhaps more salt is good!