CdSejour On-line Portal, Info & Flow Chart 19 October '20 onwards

Everything I’ve read is clearly saying no (unless of course it changed this morning!). British Embassy says no, the help groups say “ As of 23h00 Wednesday evening, there has still been no official announcement about an extension of the WARP application deadline. Please continue to operate with the assumption that the application website will close at midnight tonight. We will update this information if or when we receive something to report.”

What amused me slightly was a John Henley piece in the Guardian yesterday trying to big up the confusion - which he had a lot to do with starting in the first place!

One prefecture unilaterally decided to extend…which was picked up and reported by the Local having “fact checked” with an anonymous source at the Ministry (? a cleaner maybe? The Local are not renowned for accuracy). And then picked up by the Guardian (I think there is some human link between John Henley and The Local). And so it escalated.

Nobody with any authority has confirmed this at any point, so people should have been wary of believing it.


With such a straight-forward Application system… I can’t imagine why anyone would wait to see if a deadline might be extended, before Applying.


The WARP application website is still promoting the original dates:

“British nationals residing in France or coming to settle there before 31 December 2020 must apply for a residence permit online on this site before 1 July 2021.”

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thelocal printed something yesterday. It didn’t nearly go far enough towards a retraction of their previous article announcing the extension. They cast only a very small amount of doubt on their earlier article.

What they should have done was what they normally do. Update the original article and put a Stop Press paragraph in red at the top stating new reports were leading to some doubt and particularly as no new decret confirming an extension had been published yet. So given the potential consequences everyone was advised to follow British Embassy advice and submit an application, even with missing documents, by 2359CET Wednesday 30th June at the latest.

This has undone a lot of good work done by thelocal in the past year. I think it will lead to my cancelling my subscription at some point whereas previously I might not have thought about this. On something as crucial as this for Brits they failed journalistic standards.

“The deadline for applying for a new residence status was 30 June 2021. You can still apply online and you must say why your application is late. You should apply as soon as possible - do not delay.”

Quite frankly… anyone who’s been “watching and waiting” before Applying… they’re being given such a helping hand by France that they would be nuts to wait any longer…


It looks as if applications will now be accepted up to 30 September 2021:

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Now that’s much more sensible! So people with good reason to be late can still make an application…ie the sick, elderly, demented, isolated etc etc.

This means if any of us finds anyone who hasn’t applied we really must help them.
I’ve asked the few British people I know in France and everyone has applied.

It wasn’t that easy, though, @Stella I personally found it daunting even though my work is computers. There are all sorts of reasons why someone might find it hard to get this done.

but there is help available…

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Another poor piece of journalism from the Local. The British haven’t “been given an extra 3 months to apply”. However the website remains open for applications that have missed the deadline. Maybe semantics bit an important difference.

“Toutefois, ce site internet demeurera ouvert jusqu’au 30 septembre 2021 afin de permettre l’enregistrement des demandes qui n’auraient pas pu l’être dans les délais impartis.”

And imagine late applications will get a bit of extra scrutiny.

They also suggest préfectures are swamped…but the only example they give is a préfecture that has HAD more applications than anticipated. Not that they are still being swamped…

It’s good that they are doing this, but the Local should pull up their socks.

somewhat like The Connection in a way

Well, that’s interesting…

As your work is computers, I’m wondering what you found daunting.

Most reports about the site, from folk (as you will see on this thread) have been favourable.
Across France, help has been offered for months and months… so no-one needs to have been worried/daunted.

Trust me there ere loads of people who left it until the last minute then had scanner issues / had been panicking and not got even their docs together. If they had announced this yesterday I wouldn’t have still been putting in applications at 7.30 last night and calling people to check they’d managed to get them in until nearly 8pm!!!


You’re an Angel… I’m so glad my “list” was done and dusted a while ago (apart from the odd panic from someone coming out of the woodwork with a query).

France has been wonderful in the way they have behaved.

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Strangely enough, the very first question WAS daunting, which was along the lines of have you applied before? As we already HAD C de S, having done it three years ago, I put in YES and so then they wanted my “number”. It took a couple of goes to work out I should have put in “NO” because the website was asking whether we had already applied via the site.
Once I’d worked that out, it was straightforward.
NB: I applied the day the website opened, so there wasn’t much in the way of online help at the time.


Ah… but you were on the forum, here with us… and we all supported one another and answered questions right and left.

Daunting… actually for me… anything official on a computer is “daunting”… but I read things very slowly (twice sometimes) before I push any buttons…

A bit like at school, where I recall being told to read any exam question twice, before answering.


The portal is still open.

Many Prefectures are completely swamped and are dealing with a 5-6 month backlog of applications.

Even when you get an interview it can still take anywhere between 2-3 weeks and a couple of months to get the precious CdS. Some prefectiures are worse than others but the Aude is among the worst.

We are still waiting to hear what happens following the prefecture cancelling our interviews which were scheduled for April 2020!

Hi @anon65742194

Sorry you’re having such a long wait…

You did apply using the special “brexit” application link, didn’t you ???

If not it’s just as well there is an extension :face_with_raised_eyebrow::yum: