Changing Doctor (GP)

Our doctor retired suddenly a year ago.
Our new Doctor is called Peewhee. My surgeon is called Dr Gateau.
Well there you are.


Just had a rather strange phone call from our new cabinet requesting me to come and take back our dossiers which I delivered to the new doctor at our first visit. I hope this isn’t an indication that they are not accepting us and just a different way of operating from the previous one where they were kept during the past 20 years.

If it is just that, I am not unhappy, I realised when I collected them and had a brief read that they answered several questions I had about the timings of our own past treatments but didn’t have time to read them all or copy them. So fingers crossed when I go to collect them. :slightly_smiling_face:

If it is modern surgery they will have scanned them as no longer hold paper files

It is Jane, and that is what I was hoping. I was intending to ask when I got there but, having just got the Berlingo back on the road after a mouse ate part of the fuel system, I went in that and forgot that there was no mask in it, so the receptionist was a bit chilly and, holding my handkerchief over my face was struggling to explain apologetically why I didn’t have one.

The reason I am pleased to have them back is there are significant hospital visits etc for both of us that I simply have no idea of when they occurred.


There was a dentist on Chiswick High Rd London W4 called Dr Phang. A friend of mine had a fellow bike-restorer pal called Phil Tooth. To make this even more :smiley: he was a dental technician !

The vicar of St. Phillip’s, Earl’s Ct Rd, London W8 was the Rev P. Gates.

Now I come to think of it, how did the parents of one of my school’s chaplains know he was going to take the cloth when they named him Theodore?

I had a deli café in Turnham Green Terrace called Fabouche

Mixed memories of Chiswick…and a book?

Very good! We came across a dentist here called Piquemal.

Ah, that doesn’t count because you presumably invented the name to be deliberately ‘a propos’ like chippies called ‘The Perfect Plaice’

It was a ver good friend of mine who came up with the name Fabouche he was the

Father of Heston Blumenthal who enjoyed our cooking.Another story…very sad a fairly deep.

Not nominative determinism, but I had an electronics rep (not sure which company now, but it was connectors) called Noah Smallshorts. He was a really big guy :smile:

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Was it in the Dandy or the Beano that ‘Noah Lot, he knows a lot of rot’ used to inhabit?

The head gardener at Buckingham Palace when I worked there whilst having a spell on the Royal Parks Dept Tree Gang was Fred Nutbeam.

He used to ride around the grounds of B.P. [22 acres] on a bike, toting a 12-bore, taking pot-shots on the move at crows.

He used to shout at us in passing, “You boys! Mind my edges! Mind my edges!” The edges of the lawns were, of course, as if carved with a scalpel.

Working as a staff nurse in a London hospital in the 1970s on my ward we had

cont-- A Dr Fear ,Clore and Gore

At a do at my flat we once had a Winch, a couple of Hooks and the neighbours downstairs were Clamps.

The Dandy by the look of it. Way, way before my time though :slight_smile: