Confused by email from Ameli Rappel Vaccination COVID-19

Just received an email from Ameli (bona fide) implying that we are being called for yet another COVID vaccination within the next five months.

We have already had our 3rd booster jab in October and have our 3/3 certificate to prove it. Is this really saying we will need a 4th?

Or is it just a generic mail aimed at people who have not yet had their 3rd. It’s not at all clear.

If someone else has received the same email and can make better sense of this, I’d be grateful. Thanks

This is the email

We had the same, haven’t had the booster yet, I think it refers to just the 3rd vaccine booster at the moment. No doubt there will be a 4th etc sometime soon


This is the “keep the sheep” in the pen mantra. And after that you will need a 5th and a 6th and so on. This last “Mandela strain” only gives a sniffly and runny nose. As far as I am now concerned just more knee jerks from the tyrannical powers that be.


We got the same email and I did read it twice before I twigged what it was all about.

this paragraph actually advises you to check if you fall into the “need another dose” section…


and it’s the Ameli PSanitaire Simulator which I’ve already posted on another thread.

Not so… it’s a general email asking folk to check their situation and, if necessary… make the appointment (3rd)…


Generic email……no need to take any action.

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Or perhaps merely trying to keep circulation to a minimum out of a concern that the next variant will be far more lethal. It’s not all about the individual….

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I’d be grateful if this thread doesn’t get hijacked please. I am someone who has made the decision to be vaccinated and I just want to make sure that this email applies to those who have not yet got their third.
So thank you to those of you who are answering directly and confirming we need to take no action.


Unfortunately Stella the simulator just continued to cause confusion. It asked for my date of birth, when I had my last vaccination and told me I had until April to get vaccinated, at which point my passe sanitaire would become defunct if I didn’t. No attempt to find out that the vaccination I had in October was my third.

Yes, sorry… I should have translated the whole email for the Forum… at it is aimed at informing folk about the Call for the 3rd…

Those who have heard and answered the Call… do NOT need to go any further…

those who have not answered the Call… should check the Simulator…


On the Simulator…
it is addressing folk over 18 who have terminated their initial vaccination and to find out when they can effect their Call (for the 3rd) and when their PS runs out if they don’t “answer the Call”

Obviously, folk who have already done the 3rd… this simulator is not relevant.

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quite possible that we/you are not the only ones confused…


Would those be the people who are trying to keep us all alive and the economy functioning as much as possible?

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I have had one -I tink they are a bit late in the day. If one needs a 4th vax I’m sure one will be notified. don’t fret.

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Sue, it’s too soon for you, I think. My second jab was in early June and the simulator gave my PA expiry date as 6th January 22. Chatting with others the booster is being given only a little earlier than the six months, days, maybe a week.
Don’t worry :hugs:

Sorry Lily, I think you have mis-understood. We have already HAD our third jabs in October. Hence my not understanding the email. My query was about whether we now needed a FOURTH. The response from others seems to be we don’t and that the email we received is a generic one, even though addressed to us personally.

I had my 3rd a month ago and OH is due in a few weeks. This email (which I’ve also received) is a “catch-all” to make sure everyone has a booster which should go a long way to keeping us reasonably safe. There will probably be a 4th when scientists have properly dissected the new variant - can’t wait …

On the subject of pandemics in general, wouldn’t it ba good idea to absolutely prevent wild life markets world-wide ? this is where most of the pandemics have originated and I’ve always felt that, apart from the moral issue of eating small and defenceless animals, it is stupid because there is a finite supply. I remember seeing a film of a market in the Congo where gorilla hands were being sold - made me sick (and angry) and did nothing for my racial opinions. If there is no such ban, there WILL be another pandemic and the damage will be just as bad as at present, if not worse. Couple that with Global Warming and it doesn’t look too god for the human race, does it ?

Which may be a good thing for the world.

Had my 4th Jab 19th Oct - prescription from specialist, if you need one you will get a prescription.

Sorry Sue, it doesn’t take a lot to confuse me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Fourth jab! I am out of touch :face_with_hand_over_mouth: