Conspiracy Theory -what is so different between Flu & Covid 19?

Thank you both

You do realise that Swift mode was on I hope (cf ‘A Modest Proposal’ 1729)

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Anyboby seen this? Dr Dolores Cahill 22nd September 2020 - YouTube


She has been discredited somewhat completely. Don’t waste a click on her.


Good report - no idea why anyone should doubt this Dr.

No reason to believe an institution such as Reuters or the Irish Times who are paid high saleries to follow the rules. This Dr Cahill who explains in terms easy enough to understand by anyone that the tests made were done with the intention of discrediting the traditional methods of dealing with flu and promoting the new experimental untested products made by pharma concerns.
She was likely to risk losing her future income. The concerns on the other hand have made a killing and so want no interference with their profitable schemes. Why should someone risk so much? Why should the concerns’ CEOs not speak themselves making themselves as open to attack as this fine lady?

One possible explanation is that she is slightly deluded.

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Assuming your comment is without irony, because she is barking mad.


She’s a quack and a charlatan and had been widely discredited. Anyone believing her nonsense is deluded.
Izzy x



Total quack, how anyone can believe her clap trap is beyond me.

Yes, bloody auto correct!!!
Izzy x

Thanks for the link @Karim_Khan I found her very interesting. She is a molecular biologist with a PhD in Immunology, not some hippie conspiracy theorist. I find it odd that so many people willingly swallow the nonsense that the media spew out yet are so quick to vilify those brave enough to question the mainstream narrative.

“Fear is a powerful weapon. When people are afraid for their lives they’ll obey whoever’s in charge, whoever claims he can lead them out of the desert, and for that they’ll gladly give up all of their rights.” Shay K. Azoulay

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Yes she is a serious scientist, and had a good reputation. And I don’t think people are “vilifying someone brave enough to question the mainstream narrative” , but pointing out that many of her statements are completely unfounded. Even serious scientists can go wrong.

Unfortunately early last year she stated a number of times “The reason why I think that this SARS-corona-2 should now be downed to safety class 1, which means you don’t require any social distancing, is because we now know we have a preventive strategy and we have a treatment”

This is completely and utterly wrong.

She also claimed that “once you have recovered from this virus, you are immune for life” again there is no evidence to support this.


Agreed. And there are so many doctors that are saying a similar thing, can’t help but wonder why they would put their jobs and careers at risk if they didn’t think it was important to highlight. I also saw the stats for the average age of the people who have sadly died from it and it’s 82.5 if memory serves - that’s older than life expextancy in most countries. Personally I think that the long term consequences of the reaction to it will prove to be far worse than the actual virus that we cannot erradicate anyway.


Agreed Art.
It seems that a few readers here are more intent on being right than actually examining the evidence and deciding. All the points she makes are correct - the method of gathering data has all been skewed by those who have a vested interest in making money from selling services and drugs. Those who respond with “rubbish” and such like answers add NOTHING to the discussion other than show themselves to be arrogant and already decided.
It takes a hell of a lot of courage to stand up as a doctor and face the medical industry (who incidently unfortunately MAKE MONEY from people being sick rather than making money through HEALING) and there is an ever growing number of honest doctors all over the world who are explaining how we can protect ourselves through tried and tested means which are not dangerous but increase our immune system ability.
Those who do not take this woman Dr Cahill, seriously can register for a list of drugs that they will need for the rest of their lives in order to live “normally”. I don’t mind - the medical industry is an enormously profitable business and if you ever watch TV (!!!) then just take those adverts in - one after the other after the other about all the important drugs that can be taken and EVERY ONE is followed by a warning spoken in hi-speed new speech which clearly explains that it is all just a profit game and nothing serious at all! That is another good reason for NOT watching TV since those sponcers are the backbone of the TV industry - their 30 second bit of “advertising” pays for the whole 30 minute show of "smart people talking ". Well that shows just how credible the whole circus is.



Complete and utter,it seems to be cyclical the uprising of the covid deniers


Is that a mix of sponsor and sponger?

I don’t and it’s difficult to believe that anyone of average intelligence would.