Coronavirus - Download travel attestation - updated form

Hope so otherwise the next step will be to bring back Madame Guillotine!

just heard that a second case has just been identified in the next town… 8km away… so now folk in our sleepy commune are barring the roads… (well, almost)… :upside_down_face:

4 cases so far in the Creuse (23), they are apparently concentrated in the north west of the department , we are in the south east so maybe 60/70 km away.

Anyway, I’ve been self isolating…:rofl:


Yes…but had the attestation so all was well.

When I was pedalling back from town on my bike I saw a gendarmerie vanette approaching me from the opposite direction, two soldiers in the front seats. The road was otherwise deserted of vehicles and pedestrian.

Feeling self conscious, I tried to steer a straight course without undue wobble. As they drew closer they slowed down, and I felt under close scrutiny.

I thought of giving a cheery salut but decided not to take my hand off the handle bar in case they thought I might be tiddly. I wasn’t. Good job the local bars were all shut, I very occasionally have a small bière blonde when traveling en vélo.

Rather hoped they might ask to see my Attestation, just for the experience. :yum:

Évidement, Mark mon brave, ta selfie nous montre que ton attestation est bien dérogative👌

This sounds like a scene from 'Allo 'Allo !

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You can type or write it out by hand.

It does indeed, Mat. 'Ow eenterrresting! :kissing::clipperton_island:

“I shall sleep more soundly now…” :kissing_heart:

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I have just heard there is a new attestation form, but I cannot access the gov site, anybody?

attestation-deplacement-fr.pdf (134.4 KB)

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@Lily There you are!

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