Coronavirus - French Govt - et al - Latest Info

I had whooping cough 2 years ago, was off work for over a month and thought I was going to die. I was very bothered indeed by not being able to breathe. That’s really why the idea of dying of respiratory failure terrifies me, even though actually being dead doesn’t.

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At first not being able to breathe panicked me badly and then the panic stopped quite suddenly. Hard to explain. It was as if my body was nothing to do with me any more and I didn’t care what happened to it. Like hallucinating. It will sound weird if I say it was a nice feeling.

I agree Vero. Being dead doesn’t worry me - I was fortunate enough to watch my father go and saw how easy the final moments were for him. It’s what comes beforehand. And I’m so sorry to hear about your mother. I’m sorry if I came over as tactless.


tomorrow… Sunday… is going to be a fraught day across France. will folk turn out to vote or will they isolate themselves and stay home…

Local elections are so important, I am hoping folk will make a huge effort tomorrow… vote and elect (whomever) so that the following Sunday folk can, indeed, take a day off and stay home…

The Ibuprofen thing is being reported as fake news

While Ibuprofen does have a few issues - including worsening of asthma in some individuals, kidney toxicity with prolonged use and (very rarely) causing an acute respiratory distress syndrome similar to (but, I should stress, totaly distinct from) that caused by SARS-Cov & SARS-Cov-2, I cannot find anything published that really supports the French Health Minister’s proclamation.

Someone else looked into this in a bit more depth and drew the same conclusion

This advice seems to be unique to France so, for the moment, I would treat it with a little caution.

let’s get things into perspective… fishing can be dangerous… even deadly…

Ibuprofen is dangerous in many cases… Doc has already forbidden OH to touch it due to the medication he already takes for his heart problems…

Incidentally, this chap says that most who contract Covid-19 will be treated at home… (Is he american?)… but, of course, so far… those who contract it in France are being treated in hospitals/health-centres especially set up for just this event… or so we are told…

No idea what is happening in US or UK as far as treatments are concerned…

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This is likely to be true for the simple reason that 80% of people who are infected will have mild and self-limiting illness and not need to go to hospital.

One of the problem is that it varies in severity from nothing through to a bit of a fever and cough all the way to the pearly gates.

Is he talking about in France or where ???

The French Minister has said that Ibuprofen “might” cause whatever… he has not said it will… seems wise to err on the side of caution… :thinking:

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Not sure about that - without good evidence it just causes more worry - and more risk of people panic buying paracetamol.

I have no idea what the French pharmacy shelves look like, possibly the fact that you do have to go to to a pharmacy to buy paracetamol in France whereas it is on the supermarket shelves here will help but you can barely find a box of the stuff in the UK.

is someone stock-piling it then ??? along with the toilet paper… ???

Yes, it’s one of the items people have been panic buying - along with the aforementioned loo roll, sanitary products, backed beans, pasta, rice, tinned tomatoes, washing-up liquid…

That’s ruined my Sunday Indian take away then :frowning: !!

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Mine too @Stella and the pharmacy is just as much cautious about ibuprofen in my case. So, no fake news here…

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A friend posted that France is now in lock down…
OH ran through a few news items and it turns out that the stupid ignorant and totally out of order Gilet Jaunes have taken it upon themselves to ignore the ban on large gatherings in defiance of the Government’s order in Paris today.
Barking mad :skull: and totally irresponsible.

The most recent outbreak of Ebola in the Congo, which has a 50-90% mortality rate and which affects all ages equally badly, has killed 2,000 people. Anyone read much coverage of that?

Pneumonia uses to be called old man’s friend, as a painless way to slip off. I’ve had it twice now, and recover was horribly painful but while I was in the worst of it I really wasn’t aware of a thing.