Covid restrictions

I wouldn’t recommend frequenting a public place that is warm and humid when there is a virus pandemic.

I know why. It was the fact that they hadn’t flagged it on their website or even put a notice on the door that annoyed me.
Le centre aquatique est bien ouvert ce week-end (14-15 mars aux horaires habituels).

Attention, il fermera pour vidange

du lundi 16 au dimanche 22 mars inclus

The closures were announced yesterday evening.
I imagine staff including the webmaster haven’t been at work since the announcement was made.

Our terms and conditions say that we will refund a deposit if we are able to re-let.
However, this is exceptional and we will give people the chance to come later in the season, or even next year for the same price.
We will all have to wait and see what is possible.

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Yeah, I should have known better - don’t believe everything you see on the Internet!

Will delivered cz uber eat and diliviiro are open. Despite restaurants are closed.

perhaps they will be raiding the wheelie bins outside the restaurants :rofl:

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Can you imagine depriving the French of their smokes and scratch cards ? There would be rioting in the streets (oh, wait) :wink: Tobacconists also have an state representation role in French society too though, through the sale of fiscal stamps (although some are now available electronically), so no need to even go to the tobacconist.

I received the email below…

\ 30x1 Cher(e)s client(e)s,

Nous tenons à vous informer de l’impact sur notre activité des nouvelles mesures prises en France pour lutter contre la propagation du coronavirus COVID-19.

Notre priorité est d’assurer la sécurité de nos salariés et de notre communauté. C’est pourquoi nous suivons scrupuleusement les recommandations de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé et du Gouvernement.

Dès la fin de la semaine, des dispositions ont été prises pour permettre à nos salariés de travailler de chez eux.

Par mesure de précaution nous avons suspendu les options de livraison en points relais , ainsi que les livraisons du jour même, qui nécessitent une signature en personne avec les agents de livraison .

Toutes vos commandes en ligne seront donc expédiées dès à présent uniquement via Colissimo 48H sans signature , et déposées dans vos boîtes aux lettres.

Nous pensons à vous et à vos proches. Prenez soin de vous et prenons soin les uns des autres. Nous sommes disponibles sur, sur notre compte Facebook @onateracom, ainsi qu’Instagram @onatera_com pour toutes vos questions.

Tout l’équipe Onatera.

McDonald’s and KFC are open for drive through/delivery, phew I thought I’d have to live on wife’s cooking for a month! :grinning:

As an ex smoker Alex I would think that a shortcut to riots in any country would be depriving smokers of their clops :confused: I’d expect smokers to be a high risk group too, poor things, even without them popping out to the Tabac for a fix.

But to be safe Tim you’ll have to drive thru at 30 KPH. Like mail trains used to pick up mailbags from a hook. :mask:
I also got an email from Deliveroo saying they are going to drop off on doorsteps.

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no extra charge for the cats piss parfum :slightly_smiling_face:

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The tabac in the village is, in wine-growing areas, where you get the capsule congé for your bottles, ie the proof that tax has been paid on them. Pretty essential.

We have a contract with all those who have reserved, and so it’s clearly set out what happens with cancellations. Many French people would claim on their insurance anyway. It may be that we loose money, but so far no sign of it. We even got a booking today for the only week we have left in summer.

VETS!!! Surely not. I have a dog which MUST HAVE a rabies vaccination this week in order for his paperwork to remain in order.

Vets stay open as do shops which sell animal food

@vero Thank you Vero - some sanity. I have emailed our vet just to double/double check that she’s ok with my coming.

But not places such as Bricomarche which is where we get our chicken food from.