Covid restrictions

If you read the article… it clearly states that Vets will stay open…

Don’t Panic… pour a glass of something nice… and read the article in full…

Confusing headline! This is what my vet’s just confirmed …

On rendez vous only, as few people in room as possible, can do prophylaxis ie vaccine

To get back to the original question - I would téléphone the centre that you intend to use and ask them.

Do you have a coop agricole near you? That’s where I bought food etc for my hens.

Would you expect your local Mairie to be open today?

Our Mairie folk will still be working… front door will be locked to stop general entry… since probably not admitting all and sundry… which makes good sense.

Clearing up from last night’s voting etc will have to be done and everywhere sanitized… in preparation for next Sunday…

No idea on the fine details… I’ll report back when I have more info…

Last night, had a chat (from a distance) with a Technician (vampire) who works at the local laboratory… and she kindly volunteered to drop by Tuesday 7am to take a blood sample from OH rather than let him “risk his health by going and mixing with all those sick people…” (her words more or less)…

He has to have regular checks and I was only asking if the lab would be open…

What a star she is… :hugs:

Here in Brittany many of the bricos are both trade and public - and most co-op agricoles are part of the huge Brittany co-op Triskalia, and generally serve both trade and public - and sell lots of bricolage stuff. I wonder if they will be open?

Had a call from a friend earlier, he’s Chausson (builders merchant) delivery arrived, but they said the business is now closed to the “general” public.

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Makes sense… although I reckon there will be a lot of grumbling in the days to come. … and not just about Brico stuff… Folk see things so differently…

what is deemed absolutely-essential to one may not be seen in the same light by another… :roll_eyes:

IMO in two weeks time no matter what has been done it will not seem to have been enough. Everyone should take extraordinary care.

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Gamm Vert was open so bought some there.

Read this morning, and it’s from memory so not verbatim.

At the end of this we will not know if we have over-reacted nor done too much be we will certainly know if we have under-reacted or done too little.

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OK Mairie closed UFN to the public… contact only by telephone and email.

Post Office shut UFN

School shut UFN

Salle des Fetes shut UFN

However… there is light at the end of the tunnel. funerals can go ahead under strict rules of Health-Safety.

having done a check on the floorplan… I can confirm that our church can accept funerals which have a maximum of 30 attendees (including the equipe).

Seating is now arranged so that folk will each have the required distance from one another…

the regulations are quite involved… but it will be possible.

The bottom line is that if the funeral equipe are worried for their Health-Safety due to someone insisting on crowding etc etc… the funeral will stop…(or not even start) … just like that… no quibbling… :roll_eyes: :upside_down_face:

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Our local LaMaison (formerly Point Vert) was open but only for animal feed from the agricultural store. I was lucky to find the last two sacks of granules et céréales poules pondeuse for our ravenous girls, but access to all the other stuff was taped off. People looked perplexed and everyone stood 2m away from others. :thinking:

My kafiya came in handy… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


“Infectious” Covid 19 smile?


does that also mean no postal deliveries?

Not according to the stuff I have been reading… depends what is considered essential I suppose…

it seems that some PO facilities are remaining open (not our little local office)… but details are not all available yet…

I had a GLS delivery this afternoon. I had given up on expecting it.

And - a delicate matter this - a local bijou veg and fruit shop also sells knitting wool and patterns, buttons and braderie, takes in dry-cleaning, and is a Point Relais for parcels bought on-line.

Will she break the law if she let’s me have my gilet back (I have the ticket) or my reading lamp from IKEA? Or shall I be compounding a felony? :thinking::scream:

Thanks @Peter_Goble
I had an RDV tomorrow at Limoges for a routine eye appointment but have now learnt that this has been postponed.
I was also expecting a convocation in the post for a pacemaker on Thursday which hasn’t arrived. I guess that RDV had suffered the same fate.

That’s very bad show, @graham, and I hope those difficulties will be overcome for you. There must be a way in such circumstances.