Covid winter 2022 + new vaccine - France update

I think working-from-home saved me from it until now. I can count the number of times I’ve been to the office in the past three years on the fingers of one hand.

My OH doesn’t do WFH but she works in a very small team so isn’t exposed to much risk.

However, we think it was most likely a trip to the supermarket what done her in this time.


We’ve had our 5th today… and (so far) not had covid…
but , we have carefully used masks in shops and anywhere closed-in.
I’ve walked out of meetings where there was no airflow… or flung doors/windows open if I needed to stay… (to the horror of some others, but that’s too bad)
In other words, I’ve actively sought to keep myself (and OH) as safe as can be…

Love meeting folk, but no longer hugging and kissing… touching elbows has become the new smooch… :rofl: :rofl:

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I am always in the midst of a seething throng of germ-ridden adolescents, young and older adults, some are my children and most are my pupils and colleagues.
I really expected to get COVID albeit mildly because of the vaccine.
I have been tested very regularly (pretty much weekly) because I’m a bit paranoid about respiratory ailments on account of being prone to terrifying bouts of asthma.


Were those samples taken for PCR testing?

There have been enough reports of asymptomatic infection that it seems reasonable to believe that’s genuinely possible. A PCR test on nose & throat swab will only really be effective during an active infection in those areas, so if a subject hasn’t become sick at any stage it would be easy to miss the infection if sampling were not done often enough. Obviously once a vaccine has been received it’s not helpful to go looking for antibodies, and there don’t seem to be any tests readily available that can distinguish between natural and vaccine-induced immunity.

FWIW when I go looking for antibodies or viral antigens, I will be looking for proteins down to around 5x10^-12g/ml - about 5pgml. LFD tests don’t really start to work until about 2x10^-9gml or 20ngml, and it would be easy to miss something that’s not present in the large amounts seen in a heavy infection.

Worth mentioning that infection is an event with a statistical chance element involved too. The bigger the dose received, the more likely a subject is to become infected. It’s also possible that some individuals have a natural resistance to infection that’s greater than the general population - possibly due to higher rate of mucus production, shape of airways, mutations to ACE2 receptor etc - and may therefore rquire a much larger challenge than a more conventional individual.

Wish I’d escaped infection.

I’m just bragging about how good my killer T cells are, my mucus is minimal you’ll all be glad to hear. :joy:

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I was sent off to have sérologie done. Also the weekly tests were lab not home.


And they are terrifying aren’t they? I have had just 2, 50 years apart, but with both I was convinced that I wouldn’t survive. I try not to think about it in case it is psychosomatic, and always avoided watching people on screen having breathing difficulties.

So that’s enough of that then. :wink:

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For those who don’t like the current vaccines on offer (for one reason or another)… there are some new ones to checkout…

Thursday night… updated figures

Can confirm, sadly, I was not this fortunate :nauseated_face:


Sorry to see you’re suffering, let us know how you’re getting on.
Most cases I hear about are very mild and only lasted a day or two at most (less than flu symptoms).
Hopefully you and yours are be the same.

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Aww, thanks, Wozza :heart_eyes:

Yeah, it’s certainly unpleasant but no real complications so can’t grumble.


Bon rétablissement :slightly_smiling_face:

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I have a different problem. We both got our jabs last week and, as usual, neither of us felt a thing, neither have got the warned bruise and neither of us have had after effects of any kind.

All of this makes me feel a little superior, but, I CAN’T GET THE BLOODY PLASTER OFF. :astonished: :rage: :rofl:

I have washed it and picked at it but it is almost as if it has become part of my skin. I looked at Fran’s and it has gone, and I can only assume, because she can’t tell me, that the aide on Thursday did it for her. I am now thinking that I will have to wait till Monday morning when she comes again and is able to bring her strong and able fingers to bear. :smiling_face:


figures as at 13/12/22

I had my grippe vacine at the chemist last thursday and the pharmacien was so surprised I had no blood to show for his work. The muscle is a bit sore though since but absolutely no grippe symptoms a lot of people seem to get in the hours afterwards, in fact I came home and had a great big meal thinking it would ward off any nasties.

I finally got my plaster off on Monday morning when Christine came, well I had to fetch her, she had set out to walk the 4 kms to us after her car refused to start.
When we got inside I said I want you to do something for me first, and started to take off my jacket. Her eyes widened in surprise, or was it anticipation :thinking:. But we then had a good laugh about it as she whipped it off with one stroke. :grinning:
Calm down, when you get to my age you are entitled to imagine anything you want…as long as you don’t actually do anything about it of course. :rofl:


Covid contamination figures are going down… but hospitals are overloaded already (3 nasties on the go covid/grippe/bronchio) so be sensible, mask and gel in crowded places…
Christmas/New Year will see crowds mixing… all good fun, but keep safe too.