Declaring on line - how simple is it?

@Stella assembling this model dinosaur requires some complex instruction I would guess ! :rofl: :face_with_monocle:

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Oh my grandson would love that… :smile: :smile:

well, not putting too finer point on it stella, he’s got you instead :hugs: :laughing:


Oi!! Thé French defence budget pays my wages :slight_smile:

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Ok, they can pay you, but cancel the order for 5 nuclear powered submarines instead…

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He is referring to this Stella which is on the front page of the information notice included with your 2042 and 2047.

Declarez vos Revenus en Ligne

Shows the reasons for not declaring on line - Zone Blanche, residence principale est depourvue d’access a internet
Ou encore si vous n’etes pa en mesure de declarer en ligne, vous pouvez continuez a utiliser une declaration papier (or if you are not able to declare online, you can continue to use a paper statement)

Well, I have reported on my chat with the Tax Office today…

She was quite clear…anyone who feels it necessary to continue (or start) with Paper Declaration … is OK. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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What is the first step to 5ake if this is our first year - presumably we need to register somewhere.

I think the info is contained in the posting I made further up

You will have to download the forms from the site and print them out. I don’t think that the 2042 will be available until the beginning of May. I don’t know why it doesn’t appear as a download until after the others.

Where can I get a Numéro fiscal - the application process via the website doesnt seem to be working.

take a look at your Taxe Foncière bill

On the front page, there’s a square marked Vos Références and the box underneath, the first one is Numéro Fiscal (or it is on my bill)

I don’t think you can until after your first return. Normally I would say get the paper forms from your local tax office. The 2042 is not yet available online, I think it will appear in the next few days, sites like this give you access.

Thanks Stella - I have that, but i think that the issue is that I dont have an online account. as when I type that in it says no linked accounts. Can these be set up without going to the tax office? I have received no communications regarding this.

I didn’t get a numéro fiscale for a full twelve months after I made my first declaration, Mat.

The people at the Finance Publique office told me it sometimes happened for reasons unknown (or undisclosed) and not to worry about it. But this was in 2016 before Digital declarations were ‘rolled out’ (like a red carpet, a bit frayed so mind you don’t trip up and fall flat on yer mush, mush?) :slightly_frowning_face:

Perhaps it may be best to wait until after 11th May, then head to the tax office.

Mat, there is no need to head for anywhere… unless you really want to.

there is guidance for doing First Declarations… on the Impots gouv site. I’ll take a look and get back…

We have just sent an email to office at Libourne that was self-generated from their form to allow you to create an online account - hopefully this works.

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Did you miss the link I posted?

I had a look but as you indicated the form was not yet available, and the website auto generated an email to apply for an account it seemed worth trying the route that was available. If this doesn’t arrive by the time the form is available we can go the paper route.